Morning folks. I had an appointment yesterday at the respiratory clinic and the nurse I saw thinks I may have both bronchiectasis and asthma. She's arranging further tests to confirm/out rule her suspicions. I was wondering how others manage their conditions- the last time I was ill with a chest infection at the beginning of January took ages to recover from as I felt really weak and tired afterwards and ended up being off sick for a month. I am also anxious as my work have called me for an "informal review" as I have had two lengthy times off sick since Christmas with chest infections. Thankfully my RCN rep *Royal College of Nursing is allowed to attend- she's really feisty and I know she will fight my corner
Bronchiectasis and asthma and another... - Asthma Community ...
Bronchiectasis and asthma and another sickness absence review :-(

Oh dear, Flossie I am sorry to hear that. Good you found somebody caring and competent. Take care xx

Thanks Fran. I am feeling a bit frustrated with work as my manager is really uncaring but I'm hopeful that I will soon find work elsewhere in a hospital nearer home. I am really grateful however for the extremely competent nurse who picked up on my symptoms as well as for my 'British bulldog" aka my union rep!! I trust you're doing ok. Hugs from London xx
Hi floss hope your ok am having same problem with my boss she is bulling me into going back to work and am not ready yet they don't like paying us while we're of but they have to pay us 6 months by law I've been of since December x

Sorry to hear you've been having problems too. My manager got me to ring her virtually every day I was off sick initially till one of the GP's signed me off for over a fortnight- that shut her up! Don't be bullied into going back too early. Take care xx
Awwww thanks am not rushing back I will go back when am ready take care
Sorry Flossie I was really busy with medical appointments last week I did check the website. I hope you find a suitable post. Union reps are saviours. Mine was when I was teaching in London and had this awful headmaster who kept on sending me to the works doctor at the council offices.
Let me know how you get on
Fran xx

Hi Fran. I hope you're ok- I don't like the sound of all these medical appointments you've had recently
My "informal chat" is lined up for Wednesday morning. I must admit I will be relieved once it's over. I know HR say they're there to help, but that wasn't the impression I came away with having dealt with them on previous occasions!!! I will let you know what happens. xx
No worries Flossie, nothing new, starting proper treatment really..tests galore^^
Informal is ok but good to have your rep there..I know what you mean..I didn't say a word and let her speak for me..Old Clare knew all their tricks..they lost with the works doctor in the end and had to accept I had a chronic illness and that's that.
Talk to you soon xx
Hi so sorry you've been so poorly. Please try not to worry about the informal chat. It should just be them talking about how they can support you. May be worth going to occupational health as I know you can get more triggers for chronic conditions like asthma etc. (This is what I'll be doing once I'm out of hospital). It's good you're taking your union rep they are amazing and will make sure things are done properly. Sorry your manager isn't the most caring you'd thing in our profession people would be a lot more understanding . Take all the time off you need as you need to be feeling well again before going back to work. Sending a big hug xx
Thanks Lucy. Sorry to hear you're in hospital at present. I hope you make speedy recovery and get the support you need when you return to work- I guess you're in the caring profession too? I am going to occ health next week but I'm very hopeful I'll soon get work elsewhere! Take care xx
Yes I'm a nurse myself. It's horrible being on the other side and I really hope you get somewhere that is mor understanding! I'm very lucky my manager is texting me making sure I'm being a good patient! Thank you I'm hoping to go home tomorrow but I'm not sure how likely now as I've needed another neb. I'm hoping you are okay and feeling better xx
I know it's hard but try not to worry too much about the informal review, hope you feel better soon 😘
Good Luck with your health and review. I am in a similar position, I have asthma and bronchiectasis, have now developed something else which has kept me off work since the New Year. Previous to that I did find that I needed to find a work / life balance to help manage.
Thank you - I really want to / need to retire! Sadly I have a mortgage to pay off before that can happen though I may cut my hours down at some point- as you say, getting a good work/life balance is key. I trust the doctors will be able soon to find out what your other health problem is xx
I know how you feel ive had lengthy absences myself its awful feeling to ill to go work but frightened what will happen if you dont i really do feel for u
Hi I also had one of those meetings. I just said I had severe asthma as they knew that when I was employed and said I’m not like this by choice u know. I didn’t have union rep with me but next time I will. It’s like being threatened because you have an illness. Try not to worry. Occ health were great with me when I spoke to them. Make sure you gt a referral with them if your employer has this service
Evening! Thankfully this was three years ago now - where's the time gone??? - but unfortunately I am suffering from yet another flare and am on my fourth lot of steroids since Christmas. I am trying my best to remain at work as I am now on a stage three sickness warning, although in a new workplace, as I have had more time off with both asthma and a couple of fractures! I told them when I applied that I had asthma... I am thankful that I don't have bronchiectasis though 😊 I trust you're keeping well
Ah I didn’t check how long ago it was 😂 it’s scary being on those stages of sickness I hope all goes well for u. I’m ok thank you