I have had low platlet levels for the past 3 years. Between 60k-80k and we haven't known the cause. Recently we have found that I have moderate asthma and possibly copd. I was wondering if asthma and a low platlet level could be related?
Could low platelet levels and asthma ... - Asthma Community ...
Could low platelet levels and asthma be related?

Well, it hasn't with me. I've had numerous blood tests over the years (quite a few in the past five) and no one has told me that I have a low platelet count.
Hello..if you take a lot of steroids it can affect your levels yes..
Steroids in general (so inhaled steroids as well) or mostly oral steroids?
Only reason I ask is that I've been on inhaled steroids for nearly thirty years and as I stated above, I've not been warned about a low platelet count.
Hi Maggie
Nobody warns you of anything you are just given the meds and told to read the notice. Some people don't have side effects at all, so no point in worrying. I have had my platelet count checked every time I had a blood test because I have ecchymoses due to steroids intake and I take very little oral tablets. I remember we talked about the 800mcg of inhaled steroids per day which caused them to become systemic?..So who knows..
Also, if I recall correctly, Jezlilolme has only recently been diagnosed with asthma, so presumably has not been on steroids of any sort for long:-).
Yes I see..so I can't help there..
Yes i have a new diagnosis and the low platlet count was discovered way before my respitory issue was discovered. Years before I began taking any corticosteroids, which has only been for 2 months now. The reason I was asking, is that I see a lot of folks in the forum taking prednisone..and that was a medication they talked about giving me to raise my platlet levels.. It was interesting to me. I'm thinking if they do end up prescribing that to me, it might solve my blood issue as well.
prednisolone, and the related prednisone, can be almost a miracle cure for many conditions but it is a very dangerous drug, so be sure to ask for clear advice about which conditions you are being put on it for, what the outcome is hoped to be and how long the course will last, as well as the obvious caveats and things to report.
Ok so it could be related to something else, sorry I don't know.

I was hoping it was all related. But it sounds like my platlet issue is still a mystery.. Lol
Well you need to insist on answers, you know the score..good luck to you 🍀🍀

Thank you happy London:)