Been hospital for my eye checklist of eye drops and tests etc and said the jelly part that's attached to the reiina is coming aways and everything I turn my eye a certain way it's pulling it more and that's y I getting the lights etc said if I go blind and can't c anything or gets any worse got to go straight back to them been long day hope everyone ok
Update : Been hospital for my eye... - Asthma Community ...
Can't they do anything about it? Did this happen because if the cataract surgery? You have really been through the wars xxx
Hi no nothing can do till it something goes wrong sight goes etc apparently as u get older it can happen some people don't notice it but because of the op it's made it worse it horrible and my eye hurts with it just have to X what happens hope u doing ok X
Don't despair! I have also had this vitreous body detachment (the vitreous body is the jelly like substance), and bled behind both my eyes, first one and then a few months later the other. I had the weird flashes and all that. The bleeding can look like flocks of blackbirds taking off, it did for me. And the bleeding seems to run upwards, like fine black lines or dots (your vision inside your eye turns everything upside down). Though it is right to warn you, as it can lead to a tear in the retina, it never did for me. It often, or perhaps even mostly, doesn't. It is an age related thing, and you are more likely to get those symptoms or tears of you are short sighted, like I am. But the bottom line is that though it is scary there are very, very good chances it will be fine! And once it is over it won't happen again as far as I understand.
Hi Tracey1972 I pray that your the jelly part of your eye stops pulling away and re attaches itself to where it should be and goes back to being normal. In the name of Jesus Amen
Elanaoali, the process of the vitreous body (the jelly stuff) detaching from the retina is natural and normal as you age, and for most people it passes without noticing. The problem is if it tugs at the retina and tears it. That is in a minority of cases. That is what you should pray for.
Hi there,
Snap.........I had the same thing , it started last month on a Sunday afternoon
Wen't into my optician the next morning.......He put through many many procedures and gave me various instructions .
I had to take it easy for a few weeks and if I get a sudden massive amount of flashes then to either return to him for referral or go straight to the hospital eye unit. Where ever I am.
As it is the few flashes mean eye sac is pulling away from the retina......but no damage. Lots of flashes very fast mean there could be a slight tear.
Anyway after just over a month mine has settled nicely. But I try not to lift heavy things any more........mine started after heavy lifting with hubby.
It full name for this conditions is Posteria Vitreous Detachment.
Hi oh my word yea not nice and hurts glad urs got better this one better got the eye to b done in 6 weeks what fun can't lift anything with my back etc so I'm ok with that but will b careful take care X
Hello again. I was a bit worried about the dull ache in my left eye,
I was told you should not feel anything , but you do. The floaters never go away,. They are the small black bits that you see ...... I have got used to them now thank goodness..
Hi yea it's like a bruised eye but makes my head hurt as well I told them that got a appointment on 12october for a check up inless it's gets to bad before X
I never Felt anything at all. But the flashings and the black spots of blood frightened me, but it all got well in the end. I still do have floaters, but you get used to them.
Oh dear Tracey. Hate to say this but please keep "your eye on this" lol. Go back if anything changes as eye sight is important.
Yes I am fine thanks. My peak flow is going down slightly - about 10 points and I have started to feel sob at night so don't know if I am coming down with something. Could just be the chilly nights and we have had fog a couple of nights which always affects me.
Oh dear. I was only celebrating the other day as it is nearly a year since I had an infection! Maybe I should take my salbutamol a couple of times a day until I feel a bit better.