To wheeze or not to wheeze that is th... - Asthma Community ...

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To wheeze or not to wheeze that is the question.

Shezxx profile image
12 Replies

Apart from a cough what is the diff in asthma and cough variant asthma? Iam sick of hearing you need to be wheezing? Why who says? Just bcos 1 doc hasnt heard it doesnt mean the others havent. Why does there has to be a wheeze? I do hope an actual doctor answers this cos iam fed up of this.

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Shezxx profile image
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12 Replies
Shezxx profile image

Ikno a doc wont but its soooooo frustrating.

Frin9e profile image

Hi shezxx, I'm with you on this why so many different types of asthma, if you're having trouble breathing, continues cough or wheezing why not just treat it! So you have a better quality of life, if it's asthma it asthma. I've seen so many GP with my son one will say it is another it's not. New surgery and doctors agree it's CVA that how it presents it self, he did have classic asthma and theirs a chance it will come back. I hope it will just all go away. Do you wheeze or cough or both? I'm glad someone else has had enough of you got to wheeze or go home stop wasting my time that's how I feel anyway.😒

Triggerina profile image

I am with you on this......but am not a doctor sorry!

I am 60 . Have always been asthmatic.! Cough Variant and mostly allergic asthma. Exacerbations sometimes follow a cold but fortunately I rarely get colds. I VERY rarely wheeze and would be wealthy if I had a fiver for every time I have been told that I am fine/it is in my imagination/to pull myself together and stop coughing to get attention etc. Etc. Etc.

Slightly better attitude nowadays but was still told atA&E a couple of years ago that I could go home as I was not wheezing and they needed to clear beds. I refused as knew I was in trouble. As I got worse I lost the ability to fight for myself ....luckily my husband was with me and absolutely insisted they checked me again.My peak flow had dropped further to 150( normal of 450) and lips were bluish and I could feel myself getting worse ! ....not wheezing though!! They suddenly sprang into action and treated me!!

Soooooo frustrating and extremely scary.

Mostly fine now on Qvar preventative,montelukast tablets and ventolin as required(2/3 times a week if that) .

Wait with baited breath for a comment from a medic!

Simply put.... Clearly there DOES NOT HAVE TO BE A WHEEZE in everyone.

Rant over!

freefaller profile image

No you don't have to wheeze. Frustrating isn't it?

Lisa_G profile image

Am SO fed up with Dr's saying my chest is clear - yeah and?! I still can't stop coughing!!! Was sent away from A&E yesterday with cough linctus after being ambulanced there by my GP surgery with a heart rate of 117.....feel like such a fraud. GP (not the one I usually see) asked if I suffer with anxiety!! I can't speak without coughing for goodness sake - wouldn't you be a little anxious ?!?!

Shezxx profile image
Shezxx in reply to Lisa_G

So frustrating its true. But dont feel like tht u kno ur ill so keep on at them. Prob is when u get a diff doc tht knows nothin abt u. They dis what ur own doc has said all ur life which pees me right off. Ur not alone. Keep on at them.

lejaya profile image

Im another one, I only wheeze when having a bad attack or very occasionaly during infection. I was sent away by docs last week with clear chest er yeah maybe thats cause I just took pred!! I then got told my cough was hayfever which I have never ever had!!!

I really wish there was something we could do about this like a campaign or something

Shezxx profile image
Shezxx in reply to lejaya

Yes me too. They need to seriously listen to us. Seems to me no wheeze doesnt get seen. Everybodys asthma can bring diff symptoms why r they not listenin to us. If ppl cant breathe for whatever illness then they need to start listenin n not go by textbooks... it is 2016 theres lots of diff bugs also out there nowadays hidin in the lungs makin asthma peeps suffer more. Makes me mad this does. Grrrr

akela6th profile image

OMG this is so me some good Friday I have been in hospital 3times with 3 lots of pneumonia,1st admission i ended up in ITU as too exhausted to breathe.However on my last admission,(discharged 8th July)it said I was difficult to wean off off nebulisers despite being no wheeze during periods of symptomatic periods of breathlessness!!! I was told that I can get the feeling of breathlessness when actually air entry is fine?????? As I said to the nurse doing my observations I wish that people would take into account how I feel not just what figures are coming up on a machine!!! I have been asthmatic since age of 13 I'm now 45 and I DON'T WHEEZE!!!!!!or maybe very rarely. I was told in the past I had a silent wheeze now people look at me as though from another planet if I say this!! I get a constant dry irritating cough that I feel if I could just clear it I would be fine but can't clear it but told the infamous reply "That's good your chest is CLEAR NO WHEEZE!!!!"Well I'm sorry like it sounds for many people "It's not GOOD our chest is not flipping clear!!!"If it's clear why does it feel like someone has a belt round my chest and instead of loosening it when i ask they tighten it a bit more!!!!!

Sorry rant over

Shezxx profile image
Shezxx in reply to akela6th

Rant away thts what were all here for. They need to start listening. Why thy have to hear a wheeze is beyond me. Out of every symptom wheeze is the only one i do just sometimes so why arent they takin into account the rest of the symptoms ppl DO HAVE.... grrr

Tugun profile image
Tugun in reply to akela6th


I too have had this problem and would like to get the message to more doctors that some Asthma sufferers have a silent wheeze. I am at my worst when I have a silent wheeze and can rapidly get worse at this stage. Do you have any ideas?

Palmo profile image

I've not been wheezing and no rattly sounds in chest but doc recognised an acute asthma attack. By the looks of it I have a very good GP!

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