I had asthma as a child, but grew out of it. Then I got hayfever & grew out of that.
I was diagnosed with asthma again about 12 years ago. It started with a persistant cough, but has been fairly controlled since. I did have trouble at times working in town & in an office, but coped.
Then 4 months ago I started having trouble again. Stupidly, I kept visiting the Doctor & not taking up asthma clinic appts again. That's why it's lasted so long. I went back to the asthma nurse on Monday & she's given me a long acting inhaler & it seems to be doing the trick, slowly.
It seems I've become allergic to either my dogs (I have 5) or dust mites. I'm hoping it's dust mites as I'm not giving up my dogs. My dogs are half of my life.