Hi there, just after some advice. For the last couple of days I've been experiencing sharp pains in my chest when I take a deep breath. It's not every time but quite often. Any ideas?
Sharp pain: Hi there, just after some... - Asthma Community ...
Sharp pain

Hi upset it could be a number of things but with chest pains it's always best to get it checked out by the medical profession. Hope you feel better soon
Is the pain at a specific point or across an area?
It's not uncommon with asthma to pull or strain your chest muscles so it could be that, but I agree with Lyngal to get it checked out...better safe than sorry.
It's a sharp stabbing pain in the bottom of my left lung and a bit up the middle
Only hurts when I take a deep breath in so sticking with shallow breaths for now
Will attempt to see the gp tomorrow, thanks for your advice.
Hi I have had that a couple of times and both of them were caused by a chest infection. The worse one was verging on pneumonia the doctor said. Please get it checked out asap. Don't take any chances with your lungs. x

Have a doctors appointment later. Chest is complaining now too, I can't manage a peak flow as it hurts too much, but I know by symptoms they're not happy.