Hi there, just found this site. I am into week 3 of admission to hospital after multiple, worsening admissions. I have brittle asthma, not sure if type - or 2 yet, but thjngs are crawling forwards here still with regards to improvement, and I'm losing hope.
I am currently on hydrocortisone bd via a midline, terbutaline sub cut pump and Mycophenolate Mofetil. When used all together, I am functioning (of sorts), able to walk to the bathroom, wash, talk in sentences, but the problem is reducing either the pump or the hydrocortisone leads to dramatic worsening of symptoms.
To be frank, I'm scared I will have to remain like this, admitted, growing rapidly rounder every day.
I am also experiencing allergic reactions to medications, plasters, the butterflies for the subcutaneous etc etc.
I have children at home, and cannot sustain life like this.
Any words of support/thought/ sharing of situation?
Sorry for the glum post- it's the middle of the night in a crowded hospital ward, and I'm feeling more than a little low.