Okay i just majorly need a rant sorry folks.
I came out of costa on tuesday after 2 1/2 wks. But i am now totally dependant and almost bedridden as i can only use my right hand and im a leftie. I though it was a bit wierd that chest ward thought they could get neuro tests done. I was right cuz they didnt get done.
Saw my gp on thursday. He said hes been arguing with all the different docs/social workers/ places i might stay. I dont fit neatly into anyones box or job description so no one will do anything more for me. So now my mum has to help me change and go to the loo. I hate it. Its an awful feeling to have my intimity broken everyday.
Also now cant move my wheelie around on my own. Stopped all my activities that i had: studies, painting, wheelchair basketball and rugby.
I just feel i dont have a life anymore and cant do anything. I dont know how lonng i can tale this for.
Sorry but thought it might do me good to get it down.
Take care all.
Rose xx