Questions for those of you with Ports... - Asthma Community ...

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Questions for those of you with Ports please.

5 Replies

hi All,

i have finally made the decision after not having a port for 10 years to go for a new one.

Proff has not had anyone with one before so apart form struggling to find how to refere me for it he was not sure who would maintain it.

I have done my homework already and our Local A+E have a policy already for them and some staff are trained to use them so all positive. I will relearn how to access myself as did last time round and will aim to keep as much of its use to myself to minimise the infection risk.

My questions are; who looks after your ports other than yourselves or family, which speciality?

where do your supplies come from? gp or clinic?

do any of you take propherlatic antibiotics for the port?

do any of you take any form of anticoagulants?,

i took warfarin last time, but am hoping to get away with Clopigagril this time as dont want to be on warfarin as i am very active.

Any other advise would be greatly appreciated,

thanks George xx

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5 Replies


Good decision if you ask me!

My port is looked after by the senior nurse in the respiratory clinic. She flushes it with hepsal and then heparin every four weeks. Not allowed to self care, largely because there is a vein running right across the top of it and also I think she doesn't trust that I will do it (bit of a needle wimp!!) Everything I need, gripper needles, dressings, antibacterial solution, funky little lollipop things that stop the dressings actually bonding to me chest!! It all comes from respiratory centre and they have also distributed supplies to resus and respiratory wards with my name on it, apparently they do this for all port patients. But if I go in in the day she still comes down to access it rather than letting someone else (I think she finds it hard to share!!) My nurse at the GP can't even take control of caring for it because with only me once a month it is not enough to maintain her competency.

I take prophylactic antibiotics too.

Good luck with the op, not my favourite procedure but I guess you know what to expect

Thanks nicky,

What antibiotics do you take?

G xx

My community nurrse checks/flushes mine once a month. I have learned to self access though my a n e are not very good at using it all the time. However in emergencies they will and wards are better. It has literally been a life saver several times and at least makes me feel slightly less of a pin cushion!

I dont take blood thinners but am on maintenance amoxicyllin though not exclusively due to port.

Good luck.

Rose xx

thanks Rose for the reply,

I'm penicillin allergic so that no good but will try and get an infection control team opinion.

Glad your port is working for you, non of the drs I have talked too are really all that keen as they only see the risks, but I am an active lass and therefore take risks just going out!! And that's without driving a car!!

Having made up my mind I just want to get on with it now.

Thanks again George xx

I take azithromycin, although, like Hannah, not exclusively for my port. Would never be without it now though. I have never been in a position where a needle (cannula) lasts half a day before and now they last seven!! Although they look as scary as hell!!! Tee hee

I don't take any form of anticoagulants either, for which I am pretty grateful given my already spectacular bruising capabilities.

Best of luck getting in soon

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