well to start I am Rob a single farther to 15 year old Olie who have very server asthma as well as autism and epilepsy. Who has I mean.
I know there has been posts a bit like this already but they are a tad different.
Well to start Olie is starting a new secondary school on Monday I have shown Olie photos of the school everyday since I have taken Olie out his old school and put him in this one. I had many problems with the last school down to them ringing me to ask me to come and get Olie because.they couldn't calm him down and told me he was being very disruptive, so I got there to find Olie sat on the floor in the coner of a room rocking eyes shut hands over ears shouting for me pale faced and blue round his mouth ( they wouldn't give him meds) well it turned out Olie asked to go to the toliet and told he couldnt and ended up wetting him self (still in wet trousers and pants when I got there) so he had gotten in a tiz about it. I was.sad as Olie had made lots of friends witch can be hard for him to do, abyways that brings me back to now Olie is getting very worked up about school despite having made a photo board about the school and staff but this is having a really bad effect on his asthma and I just don't know what else I can do to stop him worrying. The new school have been so greate so fare and have said for his first day I can stay with him to see how he settles and then after that I can ring the same time every lunch to talk to Olie and.see how he is getting on. Olie has a coded word for when things are not okay and he is just useing it all the time at the moment am so worried.my self.
sorry to go on Rob.