Prolactin levels: Anyone heard of... - Asthma Community ...

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Prolactin levels

2 Replies

Anyone heard of steroids affecting prolactin levels in blood. apparantly its the piturity gland can go into overdrive. I am on clenil 100mg now inhaler

thoughts appreciated - thanks

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2 Replies

Now dredging this up from the distant memories of biology at school and anatomy in university, I would say no but I am not a doctor. Best to ask your GP as we cannot advise here. Certain medications may affect levels but not steroids. Prolactin is a hormone made by the pituitary gland. Pregnant women have high levels as it helps make breast milk. It also tends to be checked when looking at potential pituitary gland or infertility problems. When you say 'piturity gland can go into overdrive' are you asking because you have been told it may be an issue?

Very high doses of inhaled steriods such as Clenil over a prolonged time may rarely cause some systemic side-effects, much less than with oral corticosteroids. 100mg (I assume twice daily) is a low dose.

Why are you looking at nebulisers too (from your other posts) i.e. what medication?

Moved from general to medical as specific question


me and my brain of which forum to put it in - sorry. Yes i have been on high doses of clenil for short periods but have been on different steroid inhalers for the past 4 years again at low doses.

Recently i have been feeling extreamly tired and exhausted, have been to see gp and had blood tests and prolactin levels came back quite high but not dangerousley high and have read that long use of steroids can somtimes cause problems. Also the gp has referred me to see a consultant incase there is anything underlying. i am getting really worried about this as i am a get up and go person and wondering whether all this is connected.

I am looking at other nebs one for work i can leave there as i do go through phases where my asthma is unstable at times but not very often thankfully. The medication i use is saline and ventolin



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