Just wanted to share - have been having a few unexpectedly good days with 6/7 hour gaps between reliever sometimes, fewer puffs throughout the day and able to go to the gym today and walk/pedal a bit faster than usual without feeling completely knackered and breathless afterwards and like I want to lie down for a while! Can't remember last time I was able to leave this long between reliever puffs even with exercise.
Not only is this generally good, but as nothing else has changed I think it might be the Symbicort actually starting to work!! Which is good for many reasons apart from symptom relief, including me having something to show my cons next time I see him so he has a better idea of what's going on.
If it completely controls things I'd start wondering if I really needed the RBH tests as feel I'd be taking up their time unnecessarily if I've managed to get control - on the other hand this is probably me getting overly excited and projecting a bit too far into the future; I might just be having a good few days or might need something else on top. But it feels like a positive step atm.