Warned/suspended users list - Asthma Community ...

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Warned/suspended users list

14 Replies

I've updated the list, and it is located here:


Any questions, please ask.

14 Replies

Thanks Steve,

Looks great.

What's the difference between suspending and banning someone as in when or why would either be done? I understand they're liftable and permanent.

Also, saw on EmmaOx profiles her and her mum's account were banned? I assume they were part of the whole fiasco that kicked off about accusations and ITU/HDU last year.

Emma and her ""mum"" were both the same person - probably Emma herself - and IP traces conclusively proved that she was claiming to be in hospital when she was at home.

We ""ban"" when the transgression is such that the user would not be welcome on the message boards again - fabrication and sock-puppetry, commercial advertising and generally being a nasty piece of work would lead to this. A suspension is given if someone gets three warnings, but what they've done is not serious enough to mean a permanent exclusion from the boards.

We have always discussed these things with Webed in the past to agree on what type of suspension is needed. The question usually only arises when a three-warning ban is issued - most stuff leads to a permanent ban because it's so obviously against the T&Cs.

That explains a lot, thought it was odd at the time. Knew I'd an odd feeling about another user but couldn't place why until I looked at IP which shows Confused., EmmaOx and Emma's Mum.? Coincidence or all the same person? Similar history with asthma on glancing through posts, only a few posts as an inpatient which seem to be from a blackberry network. Also other IPs such as show a few different users ? shared IP.

Thanks for the explanation on ban vs suspension

One more question, honest ;)

How can one tell if an IP address is home or business e.g. as you say about being in hospital but actually at home? Mobiles seem more obvious to me anyway on quick lookups

Experience - one of my areas-of-interest as an IT bod is Internet security. However, if you get an IP address that is exclusively from providers of domestic Internet access (NTL/Virgin, Tiscali/TalkTalk, etc.) then you can be pretty certain that it's a home account rather than a business one. Also, major companies (including Asthma UK) will have their own fixed IP addresses (or ranges of IP addresses), so a post from a hospital-based system would show up as such.

Thanks again Steve,

May have a look at Confused. again and perhaps asthmagirl as have seen a few queries.

Any particular IP lookup services you would recommend?

I use domaintools.com/ - primarily because they have a Firefox search box plug-in that means I can search them from the search box in Firefox without needing to browse to their site. They seem to provide accurate results.

In regards to IP checks, with providers like Talktalk or Virgin how can one tell if it is a home or mobile phone service? Would a mobile show the parent phone network i.e. Vodafone or TMobile/Orange?

Yes, and even BT's wi-fi and mobile IP addresses show up differently to their landline-based ones (as BT OpenZone, BT Mobile and BT Internet respectively).

Confused. = Emmaox & elliew posting in hospital from home IP addresses

Confused. was the one that originally caught my attention with mention of mental health professionals in a respiratory appointment. Many posts from IP Virgin Media shows Confused., EmmaOx, Emma's Mum. and Mum Of Two. the latter three are banned. Confused. and EmmaOx seem to have a similar history of asthma age-wise and also mental health issues. Are they the same person?

elliew is another that manages to post from a ?home IP all Talktalk whilst stating they're in GP on Mar 1st and hospital on Mar 3rd/Mar 22nd with ITU admissions.

What do you think? Both appear to be fabrication = ban? Should they be given the opportunity to explain via pm?

Edit to add:

Are there any user logs e.g. Webed can access to show IP addresses for PMs or deleted/edited posts?

elliew's posts both resolve to Opal-DSL. Steve thinks they may provide some patientline-type services, and is going to see if they provide any kind of mobile internet.

Right, going to have a look at Confused next. Think they have flagged up vague concerns with me before, but nothing to pin them on, if you see what I mean.

Well, here's a ""co-incidence"".

After Emma/Emma's mum were banned last year, she emailed Webed to find out why, and there was a bit of to-ing and fro-ing as she claimed various things, such as she asked her mum to post for her on her phone, etc etc (and we explained that ""mum"" had posted from ""outside ITU"" from the same domestic IP address that Emma had used from home). Anyway, it all went quiet for a few months.

Then, on the 23rd November 2011, she contacted Webed again to ask why her account was blocked, and was told again.

Then, on the 24th November, our friend Confused signs up.

It's one hell of a co-incidence but beyond the timing, and the IP (which could be shared, potentially), I cannot ""prove beyond reasonable doubt"" that she is the same person. But I agree it seems likely. Definitely one to watch.

Good spotting, TJ. I've started two new threads so we can keep discussion about these two users separate.

Cathbear, know exactly what you mean. Took me a while too re Confused. after having vague feelings, nothing more concrete/suspicious until I saw IPs.

In regards to elliew, will post on the new thread.

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