oooh dear...: help! ive just discovered... - Asthma Community ...

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oooh dear...

5 Replies

help! ive just discovered that i might be allergic to the family dog, when hes around, i sneeze and my eyes burn and water, and last night, the dog got on the bed and covered it with hair and i was coughing, sneeving and wheezing all night. my problem is, we all love max and if we had to get rid of him, everyone would be off with me for ages, is there anything else i can do, as getting rid is not an option.

5 Replies

There is a dog shampoo you can get which helps to reduce the allergens in the dogs coat. It has to be used weekly and I don't know how successful it is but it might be worth a try. There are a couple of online canine pharmacies you can get this sort of shampoo from and possibly call them for advice.

I hope this helps


im sure that pet superstores like pets at home etc sell the shampoo - we use it on my mums dog cos michael is hugely allergic to dogs and he tends to only get a bit snuffly around molly, which is alot better than previous reactions of hives and acute asthma probs!!!! give it a go. i would never have askes mum to get rid of molly, shes like a mamber of the family. i would definately keep the dog out of the bedroom though and make sure you have a super duper vacuum cleaner like the dyson which is designed for pet hairs and is supported by the british allegy foundation. its a bit pricey though so id try the shampoo first!!!!

Wendy do you see a resp consultant at all ??

I know my consultant said IF I ever became allergic to our dog that he would do injections to help build up an immunty to our dog !!

He said it is an expensive treatment as they take sample of fur and use it to make the injections !!

Basically each injection is a tiny bit more of the allergen so that over time you STOP reacting to the dog !!

Sorry thats how he explained it to me BUT luckily the one dog we have I am not allergic too !!

I wasnt allergic to our late boxer dog either !!

But dog fur can make asthmatics worse without it necessarily being an allergy !!

My mum has similar symptoms to you but to cats and she takes a regular antihistamine instead !!

thanks for the help, i will buy some of that shampoo and hopefully it will help this

and wheezer, i dont currently see a resp consultant, but i am on the waiting list to see one, i'll mention the injections and that may help.

*much love*

thanks for the help, i will buy some of that shampoo and hopefully it will help this

and wheezer, i dont currently see a resp consultant, but i am on the waiting list to see one, i'll mention the injections and that may help.

*much love*

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