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6 Replies

Hi sorry i haven't been online for so long!I have a chest infection and hayfever at the moment! My asthma keeps flaring up, and i have my AS- Level exams next week.My gp is refusing to prescibe anything insisting that I should come next month if i am still ill.I am not being a hypochondriac!Last year when i was doing my GCSEs I was admitted i nto hospital twice during my exams in HDU and ITU and that was just hayfever!So I am worried about this combination. any ideas of trying to prevent this from happening again this year?! Thanks in advance!

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6 Replies

Simi, do you have respiritory consultant? If so get in touch with them. I would expect as you had admission to HDU and ITU that there would have been some kind of follow up appt. If you are getting ill take yourself to your Local A&E rather than waiting on a GP appt. You posted about cyanosis on another thread are you going ""blue"" if so you need to seek help now.



I had problems during my last 3yrs of school. I went to a hospital school 3 days a week run by teachers at the local children's ward. I got one to one tuition, help coursework and lessons on the ward when I was an inpatient. I did have to drop some GCSEs though and concentrate on what I was good at. I was in HDU during most of my GCSEs the teacher shut the classroom whenever I had an exam and sat beside my bed while I did my exams. Having drips alarming and an oxygen mask on plus being shaky from meds made it difficult (especially graphics) but it was possible and I passed all 7. If I hadn't of had the help of the hospital classroom I probably would of dropped out of school.

I haven't had this kind of help with my GNVQ and I haven't been able to cope at college. They send work home to me and I do it whenever I can. I was in ICU last year when I had my first exams, my tutor who knows my ability passed me on the fact that she thought I'd be able to do it given the chance so I passed last year. I'm now doing an advanced course and I doubt they'll be as giving this year.

tks xxxxxxxx

Bex I have a resp consutant but i have just been transferred from paeds to adult so i'm on a waiting list teporarily.

Simi, what a nightmare I have heard about the wait between pead and adult cons. Might be worth giving them a call and seeing if you can hurry it up a bit, maybe if you explained about it affecting your exams you might be able find out how much longer.

Good luck


Bex my mum is going to get in touch with the previous consiltant,

Bex my mum is going to get in touch with the previous consiltant,Is it normal to be waiting nearly 5 months for a new consultant?

The consultant clearly stated I would be seeing a dr very soon and that changes may be made to meds etc Apparently Coventry is really bad for asthma treatment.Yesterday my salbutamol ran out following a asthma attack on the way to school it only lasted me 4 days.My GP is refusing to prescibe anymore until June 30th, so now I am forced to use my half-empty one from student first-aid-nightmare!

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