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Piko1 software installation

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Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what I am doing wrong? installed the trend software no problem, plugged in the USB cradle followed instrucions in tiny tiny print on instruction sheet. No little red blinking light no piko talking to lap top infact I have diddly squat idea what is up with it. Can't find anywhere to find updated drivers or anything. Has anyone else had this trouble with the little swine. I do so hate it when my new toys won't work!


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OK had a brainwave and renamed by USB port to com port 2 set the piko software to look at com2 and bingo it appears to have fixed the problem. one other thing you need to press the little button once the piko is in the cradle to get it to work. vAnyone who needs help to do this let me know and I will do what I can.


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