Expert Patient Program Online - Asthma Community ...

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Expert Patient Program Online

31 Replies signed up the other week and my course starts today lolAs it is only a pilot scheme I believe there is a limited number of places available!

31 Replies

Cheers for posting about this - I looked into it and have now signed up too! Not sure when I'm stasrting yet tho. Let us know how you find it, looks good.

Have just signed up for this course, had thought about it for a while but seeing this message again has spurred me into action. Hope it is as interesting as it sounds, anyway can't lose anything by giving it a go.

Rusty is on my course too if I remember right.

Will let ya know how it goes!

have started course today as well. seems to be good so far - am hoping to get seomthing out of it. Will let u all know how things go.

I would have like to join the programme - but it's not open to me as I live in Scotland. Could you all let us know what's involved, and how it goes?

Thanks, pamela

i've signed up too, but don't know when mine starts...


I have just signed up too haven't got a start up date yet


Can i ask what the course involes, and how its run and if its hard? I am interested in it but if theres limited places don't want to comit to it if theres a chance i wont be able to do it. Ike it says you hae to log on once a week but what if were in costa or something? Sorry for all the questions. ta

Have just signed up too - looks quite good. Just need to wait now to see if I can take part


Nutty if ya email:

with your questions I am sure they would be able to answer them!

So far it seems to involve working through a few simple pages answering and thinking about several questions, it also includes setting action plans etc etc

But then again its only 2 days into the 1st week so cant comment more on it!

But like I said email them and they will answer any questions you have!

They ask you to log on for a total of 2hrs or so a week so you can help and support other people on the course too!

Thanks wheezer, i will email them. Sounds like something very interesting to do. ta

Shades profile image

i signed up a coupla weeks ago and now just filled in first survey forma and awaiting proper start date.

am looking forward to it..i think.....will let u all know how it goes

Oh I received the free companion handbook to the EPP online course today!

You have to send an email to apply for it free but anyone one the online course can get one!

1Smiler1 profile image

I have taken part in epp locally not thought the net. It did help met other peolpe with other problems not just asthma or breathing. But there were 3 of as with breathing problems that was because we go to the same breath easy group. When i done it there were to leaders who had both done the course to help themselves. Then decided to become leaders. We spent 2 hours every mon am meeting up and talking though our action plans how we got on and what we were going to do for the next week. the morning was split in to topics like action planning, group time to try and help each other with any problems and so on.

I did find it helpful at the time and i got one of the handbooks so i sometimes look at it.

We swaped contact numbers and e-mail addys.

In may we are going to meet up and plan a on going club for peolpe who have been on epp so we can gradly buld up a support net work.

Good luck to all that have sighed up.

LOL smiler

How long does it take to get a start date from signing up?

Got my start date 3rd April. Anyone else starting that day?


Wanda I am sure you will find it helpfull I know I am !

I mentioned it to the gp I saw this morning and he is a great believer in the EPP scheme full stop as it does take some pressure off the gps if patients can handle their condition better within limits !

Just hit week 4 on my course and I've defo got stuff out of it !

i agree wiht wheezzer - i haev found teh coures to be usefull - my gp is alos keenn on peeps lerning hwo to managge a chroinc illness.

Also wiht it beign on line - it menas taht u cn particippate in ur ownn tiem - nto tide donw to a tiem and plaec.

I throughly recoommend it to peeps

Finished lol

Wooow I just finished the 6 week course !!

Defo advise others to do it too !!

Out of interest do you get a certificate or anything to say you have completed the course.

Speedy for the online course you get a certificate to print off when you have finished the course !

Wheezer thanks for the info I was hoping participants got something as proof of completion of the course.

Hope everyone gets something out of it.

I'm starting 24th April

have finally got my start date (holidays and things got in the way) and i begin on monday! yay! anyone else????

Good on ya Justy!

Hope you get something out of it like I did and many others did on my course sitting!

Dont forget to apply for your FREE copy of the ""Self-management of long-term health conditions"" handbook!

just got my book today...

its really good! just reading through the first few chapters i realise that i'm really not helping myself to cope with being ill, or doing anything to make myself better. i think this course will be really good!!!

The EPP online scheme it seems has taken off very well :)

The reports coming back from people who I had as classmates etc etc and the facilitators we had are that it went extremely well :D

I hope you get as much out of it Justy as possible :)

Thought I'd bring this thread up again as I've just signed up to the online course and start on Tuesday. Just and those who did it a few months ago - how was it, any tips? Is anyone else oding an online course in July?

Cal remember to apply for your free course book hun....

I was nervous at first but its easier than you think and I made some good friends via the online course.....

It does challenge you to THINK about your situation and health and what you can actively do to change it for the better.....

Good luck hun.....

I completed the course 17th April this year.....

Thanks Wheezer

have just emailed them, about my course book, not sure I'll get it before the course starts on Tuesday but should get it sometime this week. Like you were am a bit nervous as I always am if I'm not sure what to expect, but hopefully there'll be nice people on my course!


I just finished the course luckily did it over a spell where I wasn't in hospital much only missed 2wks at the most. I did find it interesting but I can't really say that helpful. I wouldn't say its changed how I think about my illness some of it I sat in front of my comp saying oh my god why am I doing this? Its good if you've got alot of time on your hands to read the book and do the homework most of the time my week is mad so I didn't do much of the homework and read the book when I needed to. I don't really plan my week or my day so sticking to the action plans I found hard so I can't really say I've taken much away from it, it maybe because I'm young, I don't know.

tks xxxxxxx

I am going to start the course this week as well. Waiting for the book. I have to much time on my hands now (I cannot go back to work for at least 3 more weeks becouse of my stupid broken leg and uni is finished so most of my freinds are gona and I am so bored... excuse unrelated rant...) that I will get involved with anythging on offer lol.

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