unbelievable: I cant believe someone... - Asthma Community ...

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12 Replies

I cant believe someone has nicked 1 of my wiper blades!!

My arial got nicked a couple of weeks ago as well.

I wonder if my car is being nicked bit by bit :(


12 Replies

We have solar lights in out front garden (four of them) and someone knicked off with two of them the other day. Why? And why leave me with two that I now probably won't be able to get a match for!!!!

Will be you wheels and trims next!

Youre probably right Nicky.

I think its cos the whole car isnt worth nicking

Howie :(

oh my... :( some people these days!!!

Howie if you are having trouble with bits of your car being nicked at home, don't take your car to luton airport as criminals nick cars to order from the supposedly 24hr secure parking lot... (Know from experience of having my car nicked from there!)

If you do deciede to risk it make sure you tell the security under no circumstances is your car to leave the secure parking area, as criminals take a low loader in and say the car is being taken for repair or servicing work... Guess same applies to any parking areas when you go on holiday....

Annista profile image

Howie, I know someone whose hubcap was pinched when she left her car in the hospital car park. Several days later she saw it on another car and nicked it back. At least, she thought it was hers ......

We had the wheel trims nicked off our car once, the flat across the road had the same kind of car as ours and suddenly their car had our wheel trims after having none for months on end. So got my husband to go out at 3 am and take them back. We then engraved them with our registration number and fixed them to the wheels with cable ties.

Previous car had its wiper blades nicked, thrown up on and takeaways left on it. The joys of living near nightclubs and takeaway bars (thank god no more).

Sometimes though I wish someone would nick our car, most of the time she is called Ella, but when the thing is playing up B*********************** will you bleep bleep bleep start! Yet get my drift.

Howie - is it a Renault by any chance? Laguna wiper blades are different sizes and the big one gets often gets knocked as costs around 30 quid.

My hubby had his car windows smashed twice in one night a year or so ago, and the best reason the Police could come up with ... he has a personal number plate and someone might be jealous!

That theory was smashed all to hell when a few weeks later my car window was smashed; it's as basic a model as they come and has a 'normal' number plate.

give it 24hrs, u have no wheels ;)


No granny, its a bog standard 99 primera, well past its prime.

Hacked off cos just spent £30 on new wipers.

I used to have a proton & wheel trims locked into place. You had to have a tool with two pins on to unlock them.

Someone still nicked just one trim & left securing bolt on floor next to wheel.

Howie :)

I often wonder what goes through some people's heads, when they do stuff like that. Have come to the conclusion that is probably because they know exactly how annoying it is and the edjits want to make everyone elses life miserable.

Its like when our student house was broken into, they took all the usual laptops and cameras etc, but they also took weird stuff like some jewellery which was obviously worth nothing but had sentimental value to me, photos and even a pair of pyjamas. They then decided to break the both sets of external computer speakers that we had connected to the laptops, presumably because they were too nice to let us keep them but to big and heavy for them to steal. I'm just glad that they didn't find the grand's worth of archery kit, I'd hate to think they what they'd do to my baby! The biggest kick in the teeth was that the police knew exactly who had done it but didn't have enough evidence to prosecute. Apparently the pot-heads that hung around across had wanted some drug money, I really which the police hadn't told me that though (and pretty I'm sure they're not supposed to either) because every time we saw them afterwards my blood would boil. Anyway, we've moved now though and are much happier for it, as are the cats because now they have a cat flap and a proper garden.

Annista profile image

Nimeuh, a very similar thing happened to my son some years ago. His flat was broken into and totally ransacked. His very expensive stereo and TV were taken and everything else was trashed. Both my son and the police knew who had done it but the police said that there was no way they could prove it and declined to take any further action. It would seem that this happens all too often but what can anybody do about it?

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