Need to start getting some exercise... - Asthma Community ...

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Need to start getting some exercise...

14 Replies

OK I hope this isnt an insensitive question as I know a lot of the people on this forum are in much poorer health than I, but I am desperate to get back down the gym and climbing too. I broke my hand at the end of last year so missed out for several weeks then so between that and my recent asthma attacks I havent really been in ages :-( Now really noticing the extra pounds and I want to get back into the habit of going.

Thing is, the recent events have really scared me and I dont want to set off another attack as bad or potentially worse than that. I am at the moment on 8 puffs (100) clenil, 2 puffs atimos modulite and 4 puffs min of salbutamol daily, in the mornings I am still a little wheezy and tight chested before the meds and PEF reads about 370 on average (not tragic, I know but about 70 lower than an hour after meds) and sometimes I have still had to have extra salbutamol through the day to deal with mild attacks. I am planning on trying a reduced program at the gym this evening followed by a gentle Yoga class. Would you guys say that should be ok, or would you wait?

Lynnette xx

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14 Replies

I do too.. this week I start Pilates and in April I have been booked onto a begininers Fencing course (was meant to have completed it now but had to postpone when I was in hospital)

Good luck with the gym, take it easy to start with, and the yoga/pilates (quite similar in some respects) are also good.

Would query the 100mcg clenil, just seems a bit low if you have to use ventolin beforehand, as that's usually a sign of not complete control of symptoms.


Woody - I am on 8 puffs of clenil 100mcg so I have 800 mcg a day and the two puffs salbutamol twice a day are for 10 mins before to open the airways to increase the absorbtion of the other inhalers. Sorry if that wasnt clear.

As for the gym, I did badly lol Had to go sit in the changing rooms twice and used reliever three times. Hardly managed anything, nowhere even close to normal. Too tired to bother with yoga today, but pleased I did something.

Lynnette, sorry hear gym was a struggle, maybe just the yoga will be better to start with, get the lungs working and stretch and work the muscles in a gentle way to start with again.

Just wondering why not use clenil 200, only need 2 puffs twice a day, much more cost effective and more common for adults, but I do know why you used the salbutamol first, I've done that when bad, but you shouldn't need to do that all the time if you have proper control.

Hey Woody-som, think it is because they are anticipating hopefully dropping me down when things are more controlled. I have had a bad few weeks with no control at all and the doctor I eventually saw prescribed that thinking that a high dose for a couple of weeks would bring it under control - it hasnt. I would think that if they want to continue at that dose then I would absolutely want the 200 as like you said it would be more cost effective. I am still on the ventolin beforehand as that is what I have agreed to continue with for the next month (with the asthma nurse) along with the long acting reliever. I am hoping to drop the whole lot down when I go in a couple of weeks, but not sure that is going to be possible as as the moment I am still having periods of breathlessness, wheezing, coughing and feeling tightchested (is that still an attack if a reliever works?) which sometimes responds immediately to reliever and sometimes not :-(

ARGH getting worse not better!

I had to use my inhaler loads today ( at least 5 seperate times) and with no trips to the gym. I have been using the reliever at times since having the long-acting reliever added in, but not as much as yesterday and today. Today I think the cold had a part in it as the temperature has obviously dropped since yesterday, but a visit to my sisters (she has cats - usually I sneeze etc but they dont cause me much trouble asthma-wise) also caused me to have problems and the visit to my daughter's piano teacher too (she also has a cat, but never causes me any trouble usually). So now, although over the initial problems from earlier, my chest still feels tight and my airways feel kinda twitchy.

:-( Really thought it would be better controlled by now. SO unhappy about it all.

OK whinge over - sorry peeps, thanks for reading. x

Hi Mummy-Jones. Just read your blog from yesterday and a little surprised to hear you are not using a combination inhaler like seretide,symbicort or Fostair.. All the evidence suggests inhaled steroids and long acting bronchodilators work better in combination. Have you had a recent asthma check and have you tried any of these combination inhalers? laura

Hi Laura,

No not tried a combination inhaler, usually I have mild intermittent asthma and it has been a few years since I even needed a regular preventer so this is a new ""phase"" so not sure what I am going to need in the long run. I am seriously considering going back to the nurse sooner rather than later, as I am concerned that things arent more settled. That said, I am so much better than before she gave me the long -acting reliever that I am not sure whether I shouldnt just wait! So confused about the whole thing.

Lynnette, I'd like to add something regarding your reply Laura's post, Laura is right, but also you need to realise that asthma can change over time, it may get better or vise versa and medications need adjusting to maintain control. Go have a chat with the asthma nurse or GP.


Hi Chris, thanks. When I saw the asthma nurse we talked about asthma having different phases and that she felt there would be a need for ongoing inhaled steroids after my asthma is controlled due to the pattern of the last few months. I havent spoken to her about different types of treatment though. I just dont know whether she will think I am just being a pain going in sooner than my next review (early March) but that said I didnt sleep very well and have had a mild ""attack"" this morning already. Just didnt know if this is me overreacting or whether it is reasonable to expect the current level of treatment to be working by now if it was going to. Nurse is expecting to be able to put me onto a maintenance level when I go next but I really dont think that (all things remaining the same) that will be possible. Feel like I am constantly whinging at the moment, and that is so unlike me. SORRY and thank you for replying, it really helps to have someone understand. Family and friends just keep saying ""will be better soon""...


Go have a chat to the asthma nurse, don't wait for the review. Mine has always said come see me if you want regardless, but have emailed/phoned her instead. You're clearly not well controlled, and in one of your earlier posts you were saying about stepping down, well that's clearly not an option, wouldn't even consider this unless you've been symptom free for at least 3 months.

Remember the golden rule of asthma control...symptom free and that should be possible and usually is, may take some time to find the correct combination and dose.


First ever course of Pred

Ok thank you all for your help, called the nurse this morning and she wanted to see me.

We chatted a little, I did peak flow and got a fab ""score"" (best since this all started 460!) and told her how pleased I was with that. She said it doesnt matter what the peak flow was she said I was out of breath just talking to her. She said that she wanted to give me oral steroids for a week and that if I am not better by the end of the weekend to go back Monday. We talked about changing inhalers etc and she said she only wanted to try one thing at a time and (rightly) said that the inhalers had made an impact so with the pred, they might be able to do their job.

Fingers crossed then, never had them before - always found the prospect rather daunting silly as that sounds.

Lynnette xx

She said that she wanted to give me oral steroids for a week and that if I am not better by the end of the weekend to go back Monday.


After 36 hours of taking Pred I could tell a difference... a marked improvement... I so hope you get the same response to the magic pills! How you explained your visit with the Asthma nurse sounds exactly like I was with my doctor... when you get a good doctor/nurse you just want to love them to bits don't ya! :)

Good luck!

Well, I can tell the difference but I am still not right.

Ah well guess you cant have everything. I am lots better than I was, so perhaps with more sleep I will be better still. Just mainly the feeling of breathlessness left, chest so much less tight on the whole and less ""attacks"". Only used blue inhaler twice today, so that is progress.

Think it's best to stick with it and wait til my appointment unless things get worse than they are at the moment.

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