I lost sleep and i don't want it to h... - Asthma Community ...

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I lost sleep and i don't want it to happen again.

3 Replies

I have recently read some books and then couldn't get to sleep because when i lay on my back i felt like i couldn't breath and it started last saturday and by thursday i was so tired my mum had to send me back to bed to rest. she lay me on my back and i was able to sleep, but i still couldn't sleep very good.

she gave me some night medicine that help me sleep and now i am really tired because i am having to catch up on 6 days sleep. i am now able to sleep with a few pillows and i have stopped reading the books and my mum says it was the books over cluttering my brain and i wanted to get someone elses opinion.

ask if wheather something like this has happened to anyone else?

and if not does anyone have any advice anyway??

anything would be great. Thanks!!!

From Melissa


3 Replies

I sometimes have some trouble sleeping, not sure if it's asthma or not!

What I do is make sure I am really relaxed and then I just let my mind wander and before you know it it's the morning (or 4am and time for a Ventolin pick me up!)!! I don't find reading an issue although if I'm on my laptop just before I go to bed then that can cause a bit of a problem! Another good thing to try is going to bed a bit earlier because if it takes you ages to drop off then you are getting more sleep. For example, rather than going to bed at 10 and getting to sleep at 12, try going to bed at 9 and getting to sleep at 11. That extra hour could make a lot of difference, and apparently hours of sleep before midnight are twice as beneficial as after..!?

If it's an asthma thing then try to sleep slightly propped up, this really helps me, and maybe query it with your GP next time you go, he might increase your meds or give you some Singulair which my cons told me would help with my night-time cough, could help with your sleeplessness. Also, if you are taking quite a lot of salbutamol then this can lead to sleeplessness and sleep disturbances as some of its side effects are hyperactivity etc. If you are taking lots of salb then that's another reason to pop along to your GP as it's a very good sign that your lungs are being a bit grumpy!

It does take a while but soon you'll figure out a way to get a bit of extra sleep..disturbed nights are another one of those nasty things we asthmatics have to deal with!

Hope some of that helped!

R xx.


I hate waking in the night with my asthma, when all you want is a good nights sleep! My advice would be to pop to your GP to see if your medication needs changing as waking in the night is a sign that your asthma isnt as controlled as it should be.

I find that if you put a pillow or two under your matress at the end your head is, it keeps you a bit more proped up so its a bit easier to sleep.

The other thing is when you say night medication do you mean over the counter stuff to help you sleep? Because if you do I'm not sure thats the best thing to do, because your waking up for a reason as you need your reliever to ease your symptoms whereas sleeping tablets prevent you from treating the problem. - Im not 100% on this but maybe someone could correct me if I'm wrong?

Hope your back on track soon

ally x


all the advice will really help.

i am now able to get to sleep and my doctor did oay it was probably my over active brain so i've slowed down my amount of reading and decided to take my preventer medication an hour before i go to sleep so that my lungs can open up a bit, before i sleep.

again thank you for the great advice.



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