mobility scooters: Has anyone got a... - Asthma Community ...

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mobility scooters

11 Replies

Has anyone got a mobility scooter and if so are you able to do all the things that you want to do like going out for the day or just socialising without worrying battrie going to conk on you??? thanks for replys xxx

11 Replies

Hi kerry-anne

I personally dont have a scooter they're too expensive though I may end up inheriting my grandads as he doesnt use his anymore-hes too poorly for it now!! There are a few people who do have them though and from talking to one friend who does it has given her a new lease of life!!

Battery's are a prob and my mate has run out of juice a few times so you do need to know the range you have etc to avoid getting caught out!!

Thanks for the texts by the way lol!!! I am unable to forwards things on my phone its stoopid at the moment but consider them returned to you too hon!!! ;-)

Hope your doing ok - long time no speak hey???

Take care lv Kat Xxx

Hey kerry I have recently got one.

I've run out of battery twice while on my way home from town! I do not drive so go to town on it also. I am just at the weight limit for my scooter so that plus big inclines run the battery out quite quickly. I live at the top of a very steep hill too grrr!

But it has improved my life! I would sometimes go weeks without going out, now I just jump on my scooter and ill get wherever I need to go eventually!

The freedom to just browse the shops without getting tired and then having energy still at the end of the day is great!

My scooter is a mirco scooter so I'm hoping to get a more suitable one for my weight soon.

I would deffinetly go for it!

Kat I know your talking about me there hehe!


I have a scooter which is an absolute godsend. If you can afford one then I would recommend it completely. My only warning to you would be that if you want one that will easily go in the boot of a car that you can handle on your own be very wary of the scooters that say they go in boot. Most of them are very difficult to take apart and put back together. I had a couple of different ones on hire first and couldnt manage them. Then I found a TGA Buddy which I can fold up in a second and lift in and out of the car on my own unless I was have a really really bad day but Ididn't go out then. It is also very easy to use and get in and out of the shops. You can hire scooters from shopmobility so might be worth trying one first.

Good luck

Ive been reading on some of the mobility sites about higher rate mobility dla and mobility scooters but dont understand what it means could someone possibly shed some light on it please and thankyou for your replys. only went to my local shop today with my mum and had a big blip whilst we were out and she had to run home and get my medication whilst I sat in the shop I was ok after a bit but very scary and havent been out much since graseby been having mind of its own and its starting to get me down knowing I want to go out but cant go far hope everyone else is ok take care all xxxxxx

Hey kerry anne, if you get DLA higher mobility you can go on a scheme called (that dont work google mobility scheme) You can get a scooter in replace of your higher mobility money, the money goes to mobility scheme and you get scooter. Or you can use the scheme to get a car. (what i done). It is a very good scheme and loads of people recommended it to me, so i would recommend it too you too. The website is the best place to get more information, and if you order an information pack they send you a dvd with it as well.

I use shopmobility around my town and it has been a huge help as it means i can meet up with friends and go shopping.

Hope that is of some help.

I have had a phone call from a mobility place they said I can have a scooter by next week and the will take £75 a month from my DLA is that good or is that to much? also ie phoned the dla office they given me another number and when I phoned it they said I could get a mobility scooter for £46 per calendar month so think will go with that one xxxx

KateMoss profile image

Go for Motability!!! I assume you don't have a car so you will be elegible for a scooter instead and they will assess you properly, service the scooter, provide back up if breaks down, insurance??, and probably a new scooter every three years.

Motability is the best way forward, other schemes may take you for a ride.... excuse the pun!

Thankyou Kate I am going to go with the mobility center that the DLA advised me to go with spent last night in costa and my con has told me to stay in my flat for a couple of days and just rest. so hopfully I will get the forms to fill in and mum will post them off from me so by time im feeling well enough to go out I will have my scooter and thanks to everyone else who replied take care all xxxxxxxxxxx

Bump for plumie


breathlessdog profile image

hello, i would just like to advise , that if your scooter has good batterys,,and they are fully charged befor you go out, you journy should be trouble free, when you first get your scooter, stay local and take your phone with you, most class 3 scooters are good for minimum 20 miles...some are double this, from my experience ,your biggest problem will be punctures. most regular heavy users get a puncure each week, i advise getting puncture less tyres, they are about 120 pounds to change all 4, i have tried the gunk to repair punctures, but it does not mend all punctures, i keep my scooter on charge all day and night. the charger cuts out when its just leave it plugged in,that way its ready to go. i can recommend shoprider cadiz, i have had 2 now, and my next one will be the same,they are 1600 pounds brand new, they have full suspension and 13 inch wheels, very stable,and reliable. a really good 2nd hand one is about 500/600 pounds, i hope you become mobile soon. and keep us all updated,

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