Ugh..... Another Long Term Sick I pre... - Asthma Community ...

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Ugh..... Another Long Term Sick I predict.....

6 Replies

Just sent home from work and chest feels crummy. I have external stress going on too and it always goes to my chest.

Hoping this one won't be as long as 8 months but a very serious question..... I'm now down to only a couple of days a week and still finding it hard to cope. So when do you decide enough is enough? For your health?

6 Replies


Sorry you are not well and on the sick x

Hope you have support from work.

Its hard to make the decision to carry one working or not.

Working does help keep your mood good and get you out

but also not good if you have really bad asthma and finding it hard.

I think if it was me ,I would make sure im on the right meds and get work to improve

work place for me if they can and if its still to hard to be at work with asthma then would see about

finishing work on ill health.

Good luck and hope you feel a little better soon .love Glynis xxx

ps I only work 6 hour work a week xxx

I decided enough was enough when I broke down in my GP's surgery after the 3rd spell in ICU that year, she looked at me and said to be honest... your jobs killing you! and she was right, the stress on top of the asthma was too much to cope with, that night I wrote my resignation and posted it straight away and I felt so much better the minute it dropped into the post box and have never looked back since.

It was a struggle to start with money wise but we got through and continue to do so, at the end of the day if you earn money but cant spend it cause your always ill then whats the point!

Hope you can make the right decision for you


Maybe you dont decide maybe your body makes that decision for you. I ask myself the same question all to frequently. Every exacerbation i have, every long night spent staring at ceiling tiles in hospital i wonder if its time for me to make drastic changes to my life. I dont think anyone has the answer but hopefully someone will help you make the best decision for you. Take it easy and get well soon.chell.xx

It's a hard decision only immediate family and u can make . Even when u make it doubts still remain evident. After another year of struggling to maintain a job I love. My body has decided it's had enuff and so yesterday at amother occy health medical i agreed that I'm no longer fit for employment. So now a report will go back to my boss and when my job gets terminated at least I will b entitled to benefits where if I left on own accord would have an exclusion period with benefit agency also been advised to apply for I'll health retirement with pension , but told not likely to get due to potential improvements in treatment.....

Hope u make the decision that is right for your took me several years and a few scarey a and e visits .

aww pet this is an awful situation to be in. i would think if you are having to have such lengthy times on the sick then there must be something very dodgy in your environment and if thats in work then maybe it is time to make the decision. if it is stress that is making it worse then a break from work may be what is needed, maybe a career change or counselling. i really hope that you are feeling a bit better. good luck x

So sorry to hear you're so unwell.

Work stress was a big trigger for me and I had some time off, during which I became loads better.

I've since found another job and things are a lot more manageable and my asthma is pretty much under control.

Sometimes a bit of time off can help you identify what's really bothering you and give you the space and time to make alternative plans.

Hope you feel better soon.

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