can anyone suggest any good books about asthma? I've been to the library but they only had two which weren't very good. I've got a lot of the publications off here, but like to read around.↲ Edit- silly phone double posted!
books: can anyone suggest any good... - Asthma Community ...
sorry, i haven't read any but look on like watertones and big book chain company websites and you might find something useful therre. good luck :)) x
Stories about people with asthma or factual books?
i will start a new convo for both and see what people say
Fed up with Asthma : How Food Affects Asthma and What You Can Do it [Paperback]
Sue Dengate (Author)
Edit: I have this book and it is very informative.
I'm in the US, but I found this book ages ago in a library, and I just got myself a copy as it has really good information, and a lot of stories about actual people. I think it was written several years ago and then revised though, so I don't recognize some of the meds.
Dr. Tom Plaut's Asthma Guide for People of All Ages
Yeah I was thinking factual books, although ones with case studies and personal experiences would be good too. Thanks
You could try Amazon books - put in 'asthma' and see what comes up.
I bought ''Asthma For Dummies"" by William E. Berger and ""The Asthma Sourcebook"" by Francis V. Adams from Amazon when newly diagnosed - both are written by American doctors, but provided good basic background information relevant wherever you're located.
I wouldn't say either is 100% fabulous (I knew a lot of what was written already), but if it's simply basic information you're after, then these fit the bill.