I came across a product called the ""buddy safe"" or silent scream made and sold via the Lucie blackman trust, she was a young lady who got killed abroad when no-one knew who she was to locate her (i think thats the gist of it), anyway her family developed a range of saftey products which are aimed more for personal security than anything but was intreaged but this item as its like a small key fob that works as a panic alarm but is silent, no-one knows you have pressed it so guess for me is has a duel function as I have personal security too!. You link it to your phone (must have GPS/Bluetooth) and when activated sends texts and e-mails to the people you have set up as emergency contacts and tells them you are in trouble. I talked to them about it and about if i would work for me and my sudden asthma, when having an attack I cant speak and they agreed it was ideal, as not only does it alert as many people you have nominated that theres a problem but via the gps on the phone also sends an e-mail with a map giving your exact location.
This has already saved my life once, when out alone one night an attack happened, i immediatly pressed the button and my family were alerted, they managed to download the e-mail map and send help, I am sure without this I would not be here telling the tale as I was in a desperate state when the ambulance came.
Anyway it may or may not be for you, but thought I would share this and let you decide, but for a duel role of personal security and being able to allow people to find you when you cant talk to me its worth every penny... heres the blurb from their website:-
Most Personal Alarms Rely on Hope
Hope that you can reach your personal alarm , hope that someone hears, hope someone is able to help and hope that someone can reach you in time.
The BuddySafe range of products provide personal alarms with a real difference.
The BuddySafe personal alarm system is based on proven wireless technology. It's discreet, effective and wide ranging in its applications. It is designed to get speedy and effective assistance deployed to the point of need for employers, employees and parents alike.
Alert Us Without Alarming Them
Our services fulfil an ever increasing need in the personal protection market; allowing the user to raise the alarm discreetly and without escalating any volatile or dangerous situation. That's why we have designed a product that requires you to do the simplest of things in the case of an emergency or distress .. just press a button!
The core technology at the root of all BuddySafe Systems is the RF and Bluetooth enabled key-fobs. Using these technologies we are able to transmit critical locational data to whoever is responsible for your safety.
When the button is pressed, your BuddySafe ‘talks’ to your phone. Your phone then sends a silent message to the server, which then locates the phone through mobile phone positioning technology. This location data is then sent to any preset contacts you have set up, through text message, voice call and email, with a map attached to the email.
Their webiste is: lucieblackmantrust.org