I have an allergy to latex as well as other things which I don't exactly know of. (I have never had a test, but i am going to see dr about that).
Anyway, My asthma seems to have gotten worse over the last few weeks, and during the same period my normal symtoms of my allergies have appeared too. (Sneezing, Contact dermatitis on hands and arms, which then gets sore and so i scratch it and it bleeds, nippy eyes etc). I have also been bringing up loads of flem/phlem, mostly in the morning, but I am not sure if thats allergy or asthma.
Could this be making the asthma worse? I have been getting wheezy a lot more, and also getting my coughing at night back again. I haven't noticed a change in the peak flow, normally around 470-550.
I am on Pulvinal Beclometasone Diproprionate (0.2mg) supposed to take 1 puff twice daily but dr advised to take 2. I also have the Bricanyl Turbohaler (0.5mg) which I usually take in the morning, sometimes in the afternoon, and before i go to bed.