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New to all this...

4 Replies

I was diagnosed with asthma a couple of weeks ago (aged 39), since then it seems to have got worse. I've got inhalers and Ventolin. I'm having panic (?) attacks in the middle of the night, and it doesn't help that I keep thinking I've got lung cancer (although I've never smoked)!

I would be grateful if someone could answer some questions:

1. Should I ask for a chest Xray?

2. Is it normal to go from not having asthma to using the inhaler 3 or 4 times a day?

3. Will I have to use the inhaler that much for the foreseeable future? Does it have a cumulative effect or not?

4. Is it normal to wake up in the middle of the night with rapid, shallow breathing and slight sweat?

Any advice/ help is much appreciated!


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4 Replies

Welcome Gaelle,

Can only answer from personal experience and stories heard from others.

I have had asthma since I was teeny but I would imagine that if you have just been diagnosed then your asthma will be unstable and until they get you some preventative medication that works you will need the ventolin frequently.

I am a little but like you and think, what if it isn't asthma maybe I have a massive tumour or a lung missing or blah blah blah. The tests you have probably had already will have assured them of their diagnosis I hope but in my experience x-rays are normally part of that at some point but not regular, I think I haven't had one in two years. I would guess that your night waking is due to having just been given pretty shaking news, asthma is scary, you don't always realise it until you have it. If you are on steroids they can also make you really hot and rediculously sweaty, especially at night. Loads of people wake with asthma attacks at night if they are uncontrolled.

Hope you get the understanding you need to move forward soon, loads of people on here will be able to give youmuch better advice than me.

Take care

Nicola x

Hi, first of all I want to reassure you that what you are describing sounds completely normal. When I was first diagnosed and started inhalers etc. (a couple of months ago) I was exactly the same. I was using a lot of Ventolin and waking up most nights. I came to the conclusion that it was because I had got so used to putting up with the tight chest and coughing that when I got some relief from taking Ventolin and realised what breathing properly felt like it made the symptoms seem worse in comparison - hope that makes sense! Have you started on a preventer as well as Ventolin? When I started on that my symptoms gradually settled down, but it does take about 3 weeks for the effect of the steroids to build up. I use my Ventolin a lot less now, and the symptoms are MUCH better than just after I was diagnosed, although I do still need Ventolin on average 1-2 times a day. I think this is because I now use Ventolin where before my symptoms were so much worse I would have just ignored this level of tightness/breathlessness.

I also continued to wake up exactly as you describe with rapid shallow breathing at between 2 and 4am, although the frequency reduced and it doesn't happen that much now. That is a symptom of poorly controlled asthma and should stop once you find a preventer that works for you.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for your replies... It's good to hear from others!

I went to see the nurse this morning and she has now prescribed steroids (twice a day), hoping this will help. She also suggested that I may have hayfever on top of asthma, so will take antihistamines for a couple of weeks. Fingers crossed!

I will do the answers questions from what Ive picked up (please remember Im not DR.)

1) guidlines for X-ray is cough not responding to asthma meds so if diagnosis is doubtful or coughin up blood etc

2)Yes, as before didnt think about it now think about it and use it, asthma can go off at any age

3) If blue inhaler which sounds like it dosnt have a cumlative effect, might find with time say if pollon triggers it when count goes down dont have to use it and maybe in years dont have to have it.

4) Sounds more of a panic attack but if it is asthma then might need some preventive. I wake often in the night as Im poorly controlled. The best way to tell difference is the pattern of breathing asthma more short breath in long out where panic is rapid in and out, you will learn it thing is just to not panic ahve a restful room ie no tv in room just read a bk in bed if have to. and if overweight then loose some and the excerise will help with asthma.

I would make an appointment with asthma nurse at surgury and discuss worries adn they can provide some ideas on when to use inhaler how etc Get yourself a spacer makes the inahler more effective and easier to take

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