steroid sidefx...: hi Ive been on high... - Asthma Community ...

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steroid sidefx...

4 Replies


Ive been on high dosage of pred all yr and also take hydrocortisone as long term steroids have meant my body cant produce steroids anymore. Im quite a small built person n have always been quite slim. I went into hospital in feb a size 8-10 but now im a size 14-16. This is really gettin me down as im not eatin vast amounts n most of the time eatin less than before i was in hospital. The whole thing really really upsets me n that then doesnt help my asthma. Im currently on 40mg which was decreased from 60mg but the docs were reluctant 2 reduce the pred anymore as my chest gp already beginnin 2 grumble again. Everytime i think the dosage will b tapered down i hit a stumblin block like this this wk. I get 2 30mg at the lowest then its back up to the full wack again. Please gp anyone else havin the same problem or has any suggestions on how 2 keep the weight gain to a minimum? Any suggestions would b great. Thank you...

Kitkat xx

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4 Replies

Weight gain - I asked my GP about this 4 years ago as i've put on 3 stone and guess what he said........Don't eat so much if you don't eat it you can't put it on. How helpful and sensitive is that!

So sorry no useful advice except everyone on pred struggles with their weight some lose loads and end up stick thin others like me put on loads and look like a whale!

This wont be much help, but i have the opposite problem, when i go on steriods i lose weight and dramatically! I was something like 61 kg and now i 57kg and that is only 2 weeks of steriods, i try to stay off them but my asthma more often than not has other plans. I guess it must be something to do with how our bodies work. I normally only eat what i use therefore only eating when i am hungry, but if you are a person who does the opposite then that could be why, i was told it is all to do with the persons personal motabilisome. If you stick to a healthy and balanced diet then you know it is not you in the wrong it is just how your body responds to the medication.

Take care and dont worry too much about it would be my advice and trust me i know it is annoying, i am forever been told you dont eat when in fact that is not true i do, it is just the side effects of steriods on my body.

My Gps answer to the weight discussion was - If i locked you in a room and fed you lettuce you'd soon lose weight - was said tongue in cheek

can't help i'm afraid, just to echo marmite - you're not alone! I've put on 5 stone in a year on the dreaded pred, and nothing is shifting it. managed to lose about 8 lbs on orlistat, but no more and thats tapered off to nothing now too. it's annoying, but as my hubby says would you rather be heavy and breathing or thin and not breathing - is a question of priorities!

I've started trying to swim for some regular gentle exercise in the hope the water will make the weight melt away!!

good luck xx

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