Well, I think I have now finally made it all the way round the hospital and seen a consultant to cover every part of my body! - the annoying thing being that the majority can be linked to my asthma/treatment.
I saw a neurologist today as I've been experiencing seizures, I had one when in Costa with my asthma so the docs have evidence of what's happening. I've been really worried because in my past I've had a severe head injury and also meningitis and was aware these could result in seizures. Anyway the 'good' news is he thinks it may be related to my asthma/meds and metabolic changes particularly as I've had very low potassium levels when in Costa with my asthma and have had to have infusions to correct this. I've got to have an MRI just to make sure there's nothing nasty going on and he stole an armful of blood from me.
I'm relieved that hopefully it's nothing serious, but didn't think to question him about what they do about it. If it's caused by asthma meds, they can't stop them because then my asthma would deteriorate so what do they do? Has anyone else any experience of this or have I finally fulfilled 'freak' status? I'm seeing my GP tomorrow, so will ask her, I'm thinking my double appointment may not be enough with the adrenal stuff too!!! I really am falling apart and I'm a bit perturbed that so much seems related to my asthma - doesn't my body realise that that's quite enough to deal with on its own??!