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Complaining to practice manager

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Going to make a complaint to practice manager re locum who didn't take in the fact that my back pain was caused by sneezing while keeping tense to stop chest hurting and just kept on about the weight around my stomach causing a strain on my back muscles and that's what was behind it. Also she kept suggesting if I were to lose weight then I could exercise and the asthma would be better. Questioned whether I had asthma in the first place as my chest was clear and I didn't have a wheeze. How did I know I had asthma?

Pointed out I had spirometry test. But how long ago, she asked.

Me -Two years.

Was it a clear result?

Me -Yes.

Then you don't have asthma.

Me - But I do, it was clearly asthma.

Maybe its not asthma? You have no wheeze and your chest is clear.

Me - But I attend the asthma nurses here, the spirometry test confirmed I definitely have asthma!! I cough, I don't wheeze.

""Hmm. Take this gel for your back"".

Me - But what about the coughing my head off almost to the point of retching and feeling of chest being crushed just now?

""Well, you have your inhalers"".

Got the feeling she wasn't exactly listening. All this tosh about losing weight. Granted, I am overweight but have been for years with no back problems to date. Back problems are not known in my family and none of us were exactly thin as a rake. Also we've always walked a great deal and my grandpa played bowls till he was in his nineties.

Somehow I think 'losing weight and 'exercising' (what 'exercising', she didn't elaborate on) is not going to take away the elephant in my chest in moist weather. Nor is it going to prevent putting one's back out when tensing cos chest sore from continual coughing. I know plenty of thin folk who have done the same. Last thing she said to me that I should keep a food diary for a week or so, to see where I was going wrong in my daily diet.

Conclusion I came away with - that this person seems to think if I lose weight, I can exercise properly and lose more weight and not have back pain or as much bother from asthma (and she's not that convinced I have it anyway as chest is clear).

To say I am dissatisfied is an understatement. This is the lady who, looking at my feet last week when I asked for referral to have toes straightened, grudgingly did so but also suggested I see Chiropody for some foot hygiene lessons. D'uh?

Chiropody dept say they have no appts for the forseeable future so I asked locum today why I'd to seek an appt with them? Locum said my toes are being pushed forward by my feet requiring surgery and she thought this might mean I take something fungal in my toes.

My toes have been pressing forwards against my shoes for two years now due to my inaction and scarediness in having operation to straighten the big toes. All my toes have been extremely healthy otherwise and remain so.

Oh and one more thing, I mentioned the dash to the loo when I try to get out of bed with this excruciating back pain just now and she said lots of ladies past 50 have a leak problem and that - yes, you've guessed it! - excess weight didn't help. :/

I didn't even try explaining its just really since this pain arrived that I can't walk straight away, first thing in the morning and that perhaps I'm pressing on bladder in some way as I move. PS its ok folks apart from one time, I have made it there each day.

Sorry for the long post. Hope it made sense. Off to phone practice manager.

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4 Replies

Locums Pah they **** me off too, hope you get your complaint seen to quickly. Locums are all the same, one told me I had too much medication and that nothing was wrong with me. Think we know better.

Spoke to Practice Manager on the phone.

Listened to my story which I'd written out and could put in a more clear and concise manner. Sending out the complaint form should I wish to progress through the more formal route. Has booked me in with the real Doctor chap whom I saw initially for my sneeze-causing-back-pain and who I know listens to his patients. He may also tell me off for being overweight, but from him I could take it and possibly be spurned into doing something about it.

Glad to hear you are getting your complaint sorted, GM. Sounds as if you didn't have your problem properly addressed. But Mr Woody-Som, sir, I must protest! ;-) Not all locums are created equal, there are some very good ones out there (one of them comes to work for us sometimes). There have been times where locums, as a fresh pair of eyes, have made diagnoses and better managed patients than the regular GPs :)

@cathbear, yes I will concede that some locums can be good and a fresh pair of eyes bring different ideas to the case, maybe just like GP's in general it's more to do with their training and what they know about a particular subject that makes the differe

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