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swine flu killed a young fit girl with very very mild asthma

9 Replies

hi please read this it shows how swine flu can kill even very mild peolpe with asthmadailymail.co.uk/news/articl...

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9 Replies

Whilst I think there is a very good reason to be careful with Swine flu please remember this was a story in the Daily Mail ""bending"" the facts is not unknown within the red tops!


Hi, the link does not work, tried getting rid of spaces but still not working. Plumie

KateMoss profile image


just had a quick glance at the article.

The clot may have happened because she had been flying, and the fact she had swine flu may just be a coincidence!

I wish the media would stop hyping up swine flu!

It is making everyone panic and is making my friends job very hard - he is involved in emergency planning for an ambulance trust.

KateMoss profile image


Just tinied it for peeps!

There is a space on f it and and one on ht ml


Agree with Bex, remember the media are good at hyping things, it's their way of grabbing people's attention. Just look how very recently the media reported the sudden death of that young lass who had the vaccine for Cervical Cancer before having the full facts. We now know that the poor lass had a malignant tumour that no one knew about.

So of course we have to be sensible as Asthma sufferers regardless of whether we are mild or moderate etc, but any virus can knock our control of our conditions as I know at present. So just be sensible, and do what you can to protect yourselves ie: wash hands regularly and where that isn't possible use hand cleaning gel.

I'm sure it's a perfectly good article, but since it's in the Daily Mail I'm afraid I refuse to read it on principle.

I'm with peaksteve on this one. Suspect dvt too.

Scottish Daily Record (our version of the Mail) - We used to say they would take a story, divide it by 2, then multiply by five for the final article.

Misquoted in an article some years ago, copy read back to me over the phone. I objected and the article was pulled. Since then, have a healthy disregard for the press.

The article is no longer available

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