Cyclists Thread: How many cyclists are... - Asthma Community ...

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Cyclists Thread

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How many cyclists are there here on AUK? I ask as my friend and I are both asthmatic and love to cycle, (where ever possible). I am hoping to gather up a group of asthmatic cyclists as i think it is a great way to get fit, share tips and even get together for some sponsored runs for AUK. If your interested, just post here and maybe we can get something together!

I got my new bike yesterday! The British Eagle Bolero Ladies (its my first ever full 26inch frame ladies bike, my old one was 16 inch and was terrible on the old back!) Its purple and silver with complete suspention and on riding to town, it didnt set my asthma off nearly as much as the solid steel, bad handling, old bike. Plus with the suspention, when you go off a curb you dont bump off, just a smooth glide!

10 Replies

I love to cycle but apart from 5 min in my programme at gym 2x week haven't done any for over 1yr as not felt up to it. thnought I would try and build up at gym 1st b4 getting bike out again at least in gym I don't worry about getting home again. Did try increasing bike use at gym few weeks ago by trying spin again very gently but 20min l8er decided that wasn't my best idea so have just stuck to my 5 min in my programme whic can be difficult some days. One day I will get going again.

Katharine xx

Thats a shame Katherine, but i hope your plans at the gym work out ok for ya. I find the best way to build up for me is plan a short journey and for the first time have several checkpoints, on these check points puff on the ventolin, have a drink and sit for a sec. I find the checkpoints useful as they give me somewhere to aim for.

Hi Wendy,

Me and my 16 year old son (both have mild asthma) are taking part in Pedal for Scotland tomorrow morning. The charity cycle run is 50 miles between Glasgow and Edinburgh. I just took up cycling again last month, so it will certainly be wee challenge for me. Like you, I have just recently got a new bike (with front fork and seat suspension). Its a Ridgeback 27 inch (aluminium) grey frame. My old bike was £50 steel framed asda bike which weighed a ton.

Obviously I having being doing some cycling over the last few weeks so that I may stand half a chance of finishing the 50 mile cycle run. My asthma hasn't bothered me, apart from feeling slightly wheezy when I take on the hilly areas. I am hoping that the cycling will optimise my breathing/lung function and hopefully make me better prepared for my asthma symptoms when they re-appear.

I'll let you know how we get on.

I better go and get some shut eye.

Take care,


hi wendy,

i used to cycle every where,

i loved the fact that you can get almost any where (with effort) and when you havent got a car it helps you get out more insted of using a bus.

i havent been on a bike since i found out i had asthma,

i think when i feel better will dust it of and give it ago.

mel xxx

hey Deek! Hope all goes well for the Pedal for Scotland! Very brave taking on a 50 mile run! It does help to optimise your lungs, but it can also leave you shattered, have you found the lighter bike easier to ride at all? I did, and as my old bike was solid frame every time i bumped id feel it and i'm glad the seat didn't slide lol! (that was hard to try and keep PG lol!)

and hey mel, hope you can start dusting down the old pedal pusher soon :) It is definately more rewarding than getting on the bus (especially here in Redditch where all of them are full of screaming kids). Plus its lots of fun too!

take care all!

Hi Wendy,

Well I’m chuffed to bits having picked up my first EVER medal (of any description). Done 50 miles in a little over 5 hours, so that wasn’t too bad for a beginner (averaging about 9.7mph).

The weather was great. We had one or two frantic showers but these passed within a few minutes, and my tee shirt only remained damp for a few minutes as this quickly dried with the air stream and direct sunlight. The westerly tail wind was a blessing too.

The only problems encountered were mechanical! After about 10 miles I had a puncture. The problem was that my cycling partner (16 year old son) with puncture repair kit and tools was well gone into the distance. He said (going at my pace) was so boring and left me in a cloud of dust, so to speak. And 5 miles later, what happened, yes I get a puncture with no way of repairing it. But luck was on my side as I was still cycling through a built area and a Halfords store was less than a 10 minute walk away. Just as well I had some plastic in my pocket. Well I got fitted with a new inner tube and was on my way once again.

After about another 2 miles my gears started to play up with the clutch/gears jumping up and down the gears giving me some concern. Also, I was unable to select top gear. Well I kept going for a further 12 miles to the midway stop/refreshment point at Avonbridge (23 miles into the run). At the stop point a bike mechanic was on hand and I got him to have a wee look at my gearing problem. Would you adam and eve it, the Halfords bike technician had put one of the wheel washers on the wrong side of the wheel which had knocked my rear wheel and gears out of line with the rest of the bike. However, thankfully this stupid error was easily rectified and allowed me to continue the run after taking some refreshments laid on by the local church (forget those energy bar thingies, I had three butter scones and a cup of tea – it was brill! I think this feast set me up to finish to cycle run.

Asthma wise, me and ma laddie were fine. The following day I was feeling very slightly wheezy but I think that was just down to using the old wind bags a great deal more than normal rather than caused by asthma. And Mia, ohhhh yes indeed, I am a wee bit saddle sore. Me think I’ll have to sit on ma wig for the next few days to see if that helps –LOL.

And yes Wendy, the lighter aluminium frame is a must for anyone considering a long cycle run, especially for those who have asthma. I don’t think I would have been able to complete the 50 mile cycle run using a heavy steel framed bike.

Also Wendy, if you want to start an AUK cycle club with the view to doing some charity cycle runs for AUK then I would be more than willing to throw my wig into the ring, albeit that we all stay in different parts of the UK (and the world) and this my prove a wee bit difficult to co-ordinate.

Take care,


Congratulations deek on finishing thats some achievment.

Glad to hear you finished the 'race' ... err I mean event Derek! It's amazing what the chance of a prize or medal can do to enhance motivation! Your breathing WILL return to normal. With, a 'should be' enhanced and positive effect upon the heart. Esecially if you continue to cycle regularly, (key phrase)!

Lots of warm baths will help saddle soreness, plus padded cycling shorts in the future! BTW good for ladies too! Padded cycling shorts that is!

Big congratulations.

Take cycle!


Record entry numbers for Pedal for Scotland 2006

Record entry numbers for Pedal for Scotland, the country’s biggest mass participation bike ride, point to a sea-change in attitudes to health and fitness in Scotland. 2700 riders took part, up a staggering 1100 from last year, which makes the event Scotland’s biggest ever mass bike ride.

The cycle from Glasgow to Edinburgh on Sunday, 27 August raised funds for Leukaemia Research, the official charity for Pedal for Scotland 2006.

Record entry numbers for Pedal for Scotland, coupled with the ever-increasing popularity of similar events such as the 10K and Great Scottish Run, point to a turning point in attitudes to health in Scotland. Erl Wilkie MBE, the chief executive of Cycling Scotland which organises the ride, commented: “One of the key reasons Cycling Scotland promotes cycling is because it is great for the health of the nation, so I’m delighted that so many more people are responding to that message.”

This year’s event has had tremendous support and was started by The First Minister. Jack McConnell commented:

“Pedal for Scotland is a great Scottish event, and it’s very encouraging to see a huge increase in participants this year. The record number of cyclists taking part proves that cycling is an increasingly popular pastime as people think more about their personal health and our environment. But it’s also good to see so many people giving up their Sunday to raise money for Leukaemia Research. I hope the fundraising will break records too.”

Cyclists of all ages and fitness levels took to the streets for the annual 47.5 mile ride which begins in Glasgow’s George Square and finishes at Edinburgh’s Roseburn Park with an age range from 4 years old to an incredible 81.

Nice one Deek! Congrats on your 50 mile run! Only a few things went wrong then lol, as for a sponsored ride, I have some 2 other asthmatic cyclists who are more than interested, maybe it would have to be somewhere in the middle of ethe country as it would be easier to get to for all participants.

hey mel, hows the ridin coming along?

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