Hi there one and all!
If you're new you can try posting here to see how things work.
Hi there one and all!
If you're new you can try posting here to see how things work.
Feels strange being a newbie!! Maybe i could be a troll for a while!!
re: Test area for newbies!
Nargh silly nesting idea still going on....have replied to your message Bowmei, it's just got ""lost""!
have posted but they dont seem to come up. Why does it say 5 posts on the left but there are only 2 posts there?
What's a newbie?
I don't know, can someone tell me?
No way, don't be a troll or I will have to join in and become a billy goat gruff!
Definition: New poster to messageboard!
New to asthma!
Should have tested here first....
Still don't understand it though - why are there 15 posts but I can only see six or so?
xx (Hannah)
I'm just having a go at being anonymous.
Excuse me for a moment.
Right - well I was anonymous, but not for long.
My name was added to the post a couple of minutes later.
Seems sensible.
Sorry Carrie, couldn't resist trying out my moderator powers and removing your anonymity! >
Oh, and the number of posts in the ""Talking Points"" section refers to the number on that entire board. I think it's about right now, although some posts have gone astray in the course of testing the board.
Here comes another newbie!!
Hello all!!
If I am a troll want to have purple hair did anyone else have them as kids?
I had some trolls when I was little... saw some in Clinton Cards last week too... I didn't know they were making a come back!
Hello everyone btw
Hello everybody - made it at last. My email has been playing up so couldn't find the new address.
This board confuses poor simple minds like me :s Looks groovy though.
Yup Den I had loads of trolls, loved them!
Off-topic topic?
My little mind is ever so confused.
Under 'off-topic' thread, we have a list of 'topics'......
Could we change the title above this to 'thread' rather than topics?
hello all
just testing to see if i could do it at long last
Had come across this site last week, then lo and behold it vanished, I presumed m computer had thrown another wobbler, however found it again this morning, so am brand new to it. Hope this post works
Maybe we should call this area the play pen!
aka Wheezydoh
Test from a new poster who has been reading the old boards for sometime but not yet posted
yoh dudes
Hey All.
Hi from an Oldie.
Just testing.
I'm not new to the boards but am like you all new to this one since it changed.
Hope this new board is as good as the old one was.
Hope everyone's OK.
ooo er misses
Well I got here at long last. Coughing dude I do hope your feeling much better now.. Bex been so long since I ready your post here forgotten what I was going to say Sooo in general gonna be hard for me... will have to write postit notes before I get to reply section,, then you can all look forward to the wrong replies to the posts. so status noraml for me.. Welcome to all the new posters.. most of all enjoy!.
Well better go off and see what else I can 'practice' on...
shall have to get a screen maginfiyer too.
mutter mutter.
me a nutter ?
noooo I dooont think so...
well maybe..
tosst anyone?
Just testing testing testing.
It so good to have at last found I can get back into this new site.
testing for coding possibilities
Hmph, didn't work - just basic text
Ahh, so glad to have the board running again.
May take a little getting used to, but the site looks awesome, with lots of great info! Brynne
Dom - no, sorry; there's no HTML or BBCode support
professional board
Need help getting on the professional board. Have spent quite alot of time re-registering now don't seem able to register as I keep getting 'you are not allowed here'. I have my NMC number ready as I know that is needed, that much I did manage to find out yesterday. Can anyone help please.
New Member
Just dropping in to say hi to you all.
Take Care
Hi everyone
Im not really new but have just spent an hour finding the forum again... what happened to the old one???
Anyway here i am again.
Best wushes Truly
test message