What type of biscuit is your favourite? - Asthma Community ...

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What type of biscuit is your favourite?

72 Replies

Have been thinking about this - if I could only have one sort of biscuit for the rest of my life what would it be....such a hard decision.

I think milk choc hob nobs or other oatie biscuits would be my favourite.

What about you what would you choose?

I really have the pred munchies today hence the food related posts ;)

72 Replies

pink waffers or hob nobs

KateMoss profile image

At the mo, Nairns Oat Cakes with chocolate chips in.

Otherwise Bourbons, custard creams, plain chocolate hobnobs and Penguins if they count!

angievere profile image

M&S all-butter biscuits. Can eat a whole packet in one go - very moreish.

Chocolate Bourbons or Pink Wafers....


Pretty much anything that involves dark chocolate! Especially if home-baked.

Do any of you know Ben's Cookies? It's a small chain, only have shops/stalls in a few places including Oxford, Bath and Covent Garden. If someone told me those were the only biscuits I could eat for the rest of my life I would be very happy - really they're cookies, and they're HUGE and they make them fresh right there in the shop so when you buy they're usually warm.

I'd also weigh about 20 stone mind you, and I'm not even on pred so I would have no excuse.


Great post, would have to say dark chocolate and cookies too Philomena. I've a very easy recipe from a BBC good food booklet, can even freeze the mix ready to bake :)

*with oats even better

yaf_user681_30355 profile image

Any Fox's creams and the new Bournville ones which I just happened to have bought an hour ago!

oooh that's a difficult one - so many to choose from.

Um ok chocolate hob nobs but also love malted milks. Tricky very tricky.... Nope definitely milk choc hob nobs dipped in a nice hot cup of tea mmmmmmm

Jammie Dodgers everytime

and then I read your posts and thought ooooh pink wafers

and then Teoni's Cookies from West Country

and then Abernethy biscuits

and then I realised this question is just wrong and cruel and yes I do have pred munchies and have just got through Ofsted!! lol

angievere profile image

Well done on surviving Ofsted NickyNoo - need more than a few biscuits after that (eg strong G&T).


Lil_tinx66 profile image

I'm not a mega biscuit person then again this contradicts that statement

Custard creams

Digestives or rich tea biscuits with butter on

Chocolate biscuits

O no I've got munchies now xx

Asthma-girl profile image

I think mine would have to be something like

Shortbread biscuits

Custard Creams

Digestive biscuits

Asthma-girl profile image

I think mine would have to be something like

Shortbread biscuits

Custard Creams

Digestive biscuits

Half coated chocolate Malted Milk biscuits

hob nobs, choco leibniz or shortbread.

Lil_tinx66 profile image

Ah asthmagirl malted milk and half coated choc malted milk they are lovely you've just prompted some happy memories for ne as well mmmm I no hats goon on my list for the supermarket this week x

choc digestives or hobnobs hehe yummy!


changed my mind - today is any can get hold of :) :)

Sesame snaps. My mum and dad used a particular health food shop for those. Just seeing them brings back happy memories.

Asthma-girl profile image

I also like Cheddar and Mini Cheddar biscuits

Foxes classic or a Jammy wagon wheel .....

Annista profile image

Whatever's open! lol

Jammy wagon wheels yum yum yum....

got to go and find some of them....

Jammy Jammy Jammy Dodgers like the advert, or would it be Toffee Toffee Toffee, no definitely Jammy. But then the Jammy and Custard ones are quite nice.

Asthma-girl profile image

Today my favourite biscuit is milk chocolate digestives

My personal favourite is Chocolate Hobnobs :) or Bourbons and then there are Oreo's OH and..... i'll stop there before I make myself drool all over my desk lol :)

And after this post I now crave biscuits!!!!!

Damn Diet - I will NOT give in to temptation

*Runs to the shops for some Fox' Golden Crunch Creams!*

favourite biscuits.

My all time favourite is Fox's Sports biscuits but I still can't leave out ginger nut biscuits.[not ginger snaps] I love them as well. I can't decide which is my favourite. Oh, i nearly forgot about Munchmallows. They're not made in the UK anymore but a second substitute would be Tunnock's Tea Cakes.

Despite the many temptations, bought only McVities Tea biscuits at Tesco. Course I then ruined my good intentions buying Blue Ribands and Lidls version of Mars Bars. LOL

today it is waffle biscuits from lidl they have chewy middles and are very yummy.

Dark choc digestives or ones with jam & cream in!


For me its all about the Tuc Cheese Sandwich biccies, I could eat them all day :D

jaffa cakes! :)

marshmellows.waggon wheels yum !!!

ho ho! Was waiting for someone to say Jaffa Cakes. Are they really biscuits or are they cakes?!

don't know if they are cake or biccie ...huge arguements in our household about jaffa cakes being cakes or biscuits. I just love, love, love them. I think biscuits... any further ideas

This has been on TV before me thinks, oh my that is one heck of an admission to too much day time TV! I think cakes go dry when stale and biscuits go soft. So what happens to jaffa cakes?

angievere profile image

Yes I have heard of the dispute whether Jaffa cakes are biscuits or cakes. Seem to remember from many years ago there was a legal wrangle over it because cakes and biscuits are taxed differently - or was this all a bad dream...

Edit. No I was not dreaming. Have just googled it and all is explained on Wikipedia. Choc covered biscuits are VATable but not choc covered cakes. When IR tried to put VAT on Jaffa cakes McVities successfully argued they are cakes and therefore not liable for VAT.

I love Orea Cookies. Yum! Im only allowed a few a week cos I have to keep my weight down for my sport but I love them soooooo much! x

angievere profile image

I brought some lemon meringue dessert biscuits (M&S) the other day, they were expensive but thought my lemon loving son would like them. He had a bit and said he didnt like them. Hubby and I finished them off - very very rich and full of calories, but yummy.

Jaffa cakes or chocolate hob nobs. Yum yum. Love Jaffa cakes when I'm in hospital though they never last long!!

party rings are my favourite biscuit right now! I have a favourite 'selection' though - party rings, chocolate covered malted milk, choc chip cookies, and fig rolls. They all get to take turns of favourite right now, then a few weeks later I'll move onto the next lol

I think the difference between a cake and a biscuit is cakes go dry when they get stale whereas biscuits go soggy! Jaffa cakes generally go dry when they've been open for a bit. I think this argument was used by McVitie's - sometimes I wish I'd stuck with law.

(Has anyone read Jasper Fforde's Nursery Crimes series? There's a whole debate over whether the psychopathic murderous Gingerbread Man is a cake or a biscuit - yes, I know it sounds insane but Jasper Fforde's books are like that -very entertaining.)

Right now I fancy a dark Choco Leibniz. On offer in Sainsbury's, bought some for party last night and now wishing I'd just kept them ;)

I have a bone to pick with everyone who's contributed to this thread... I read it before hitting the supermarket. Bad, bad mistake. I have custard creams. And party rings. And cookies. And jaffa cakes. And I've put fig rolls on my list for the next shopping trip. I'd been doing so well too - just had light Rich Tea biccies, but now I've totally failed, but you know, they're so yummy I don't care!!!

I have both Jaffa Cakes and other biccies in my biscuit tub so could tell you what happens to each, but I suspect they won't last long enough to go soft or hard!! :D

Ratty, it doesn't count if you eat them when you've just been in hospital.

My friend has just posted a recipe for what looks like the world's most amazing chocolate cake on Facebook. Very, very tempted to make it but if I do it will just be me to eat it I think. Unless I take it into work, but tbh it is so much full on dark chocolate that I suspect not many people would actually be able to cope with much of it (other than me and the friend who posted it who sadly lives several hours away from me - otherwise we could have a cake-fest).

KateMoss profile image

I am on the virtual biscuits........... need to loose a stone!

nice biscuit's yummmmy :)

I apolpgise...I am trying not to eat that many biscuits myself....but I do love them so much. I think I am related to the cookie monster. I bought a dress on saturday that I want to wear to one of my best friends wedding in July 2012...it is two sizes too small I fell in love with it in the sale...biscuits or the dress that is the question? Which do I love more?

You have a while Honey! Tell doctors you have an urgent need not to be on pred for a few months before then and they have to sort you out pronto ;)

On a vaguely related topic, one of my friends admitted he had never heard of the cookie monster before. I was shocked...

Philomela, I love the idea of them not counting after being in hospital. I shall remember that if the doc asks if I'm eating well :D Now, did somebody say cake? *drools*

Sorry, that was me mentioning cake ;)

I have an entire list of calorie cheats - my friend and I entertained ourselves once by coming up with an increasingly silly list including (some may not be original):

*Food kept in high places doesn't have any calories because calories are scared of heights and run away

*Broken food doesn't have any calories because they all leak out (so if you break a biscuit in half all the calories will go)

*Fair trade food doesn't have any calories because it's ethical and therefore it's your duty as a good person to eat it

*Any meal that has lettuce in it has no calories

*Food nicked from someone else has no calories

*Food eaten while standing up or walking has no calories

*Any food eaten on your birthday or Christmas Day has no calories

And now the obvious addition - any food eaten after you've been in hospital, including day case procedures/tests, definitely doesn't have any calories. This also applies to anything in which needles were involved even if only GP visit/blood test (I'm not actually that bothered by needles but figure having blood removed has to be worth a few biscuits - the National Blood Service makes you eat them after all!)

I have had a biscuit free day....not one single biscuit crumb has entered my system today...no wonder I am not feeling quite right. I think I am going to bed so the sneaky night time biscuits can't sneak in!

For me it used to be jammie dodgers, but now im well into fig biscuits.

Really like em, but eatin full pack in one go bad thing to do.

However, i do have a pack now & am still gonna eat the lot :)

Lil_tinx66 profile image

Did my weekly shop today propped myself up on the trolley handle and got the essentials therefore no one can get moany about a lack of food I did mange to walk down the biscuit aisle without picking up a single packet :) proud moment x

P.s I Did manage to buy some weight watchers chocolate bar tho

Marginally healthier hehe

I need some chocolate! Running out - yes, it's not technically an essential but I feel a bit rubbish today after deciding last night I would go to choir no matter what.

Sainsbury's stopped stocking my favourite chocolate for a bit (72% Patissier Menier cooking chocolate). I was so cross with them as they were still stocking the milk one, but fortunately it was only a temporary blip. It is not advisable to get in between a hardened chocolate addict and their favourite brand, Sainsbury's!

day four and my body is still biscuit free, cake free and chocolate free...my body is now a temple...and it feels like it is a ruin today. I think biscuits may be essential to my well being

I was force-fed biscuits by a doctor today! Only plain digestives though, they apologised for them not being chocolate lol

I very stupidly forgot to eat before doing a treadmill ECG (all 3 minutes that I managed) and felt weird afterwards, so they gave me a bunch of biscuits and made me drink a Coke (95% of people would have loved a free Coke on the NHS, and they have to get me who hates Coke and anything sweet which is what they said I had to have.) Actually welcomed the break for blood test though still had to drink the damn Coke afterwards...

mine would be a rich tea biscuit

Heehee Philomena, your posts made me laugh. Also hate Coke & have never met anyone that's the same, love dark choc too esp now have realised I'm lactose intolerant (& seem to react to most food with any milk) and any reason to have more is fine by me. Love cookies with decent ginger chunks & have great recipe that is so easy

Hehe, good to meet another dark choc fan, TJ! What's the ginger cookie recipe? Will you share it?

I think it's a measure of just how much I hate Coke that I was actually glad when I'd taken a couple of sips and the cardiographer came in and said, 'Actually, stop drinking, the doctor wants to take some blood while you're still having symptoms.' I don't really have a problem with needles generally, but still! (though the registrar didn't believe me when I said I didn't mind needles). I still had to drink the damn Coke afterwards though.

Still chuckling at being made to eat junk food by a cardiologist...

So true Philomena, coke is vile, also hate Red Bull and the smell eurgh.

Cookie recipe is from a little BBC Good Food book

substitute smarties for ginger or whatever you want to put in & don't have to put golden syrup in, butter can be spread & dairy free works too :) So easy to do

Smarties Cookies

Make these treats for your next birthday party – for kids and adults.


100g/4oz butter, softened, plus extra butter for greasing

100g/4oz light muscovado sugar

1 tbsp golden syrup

150g/6oz self-raising flour

85g/3oz Smarties (about 3 tubes)

1 Heat oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4. Beat the butter and sugar together in a bowl until light and creamy, then beat in the syrup.

2 Work in half the flour. Stir in the Smarties with the remaining flour and work the dough together with your fingers. Divide into 14 balls. Place them well apart on baking sheets to allow for spreading. Don’t flatten them.

3 Bake for 12 mins until pale golden at the edges. Cool on a wire rack.

These cookies will keep for up to a four days in an airtight tin.

PER COOKIE 167 kcalories, protein 2g, carbohydrates 23g, fat 8g, saturated fat 5g, fibre trace, sugar 13g, salt 0.3g.

The only thing I can aliken the smell (and taste) of Red Bull to is vomit!! Can not understand why people drink so much of it when out at night.

I did once drink half a can when we were back packing round Sri Lanka as it was too hot to eat and we wanted to climb Siguaria. We must have looked absolutely rediculous standing there holding our noses and squealing and stamping in protest/disgust but knowing it was the quickest fix!!

And I must say coke - blah! (but I do like pepsi max!!!) and dark chocolate all the way - milk allergy!

yaf_user681_32991 profile image

i've met very few i don't like

last weeks flavour- courtesy of school homework

raspberry & white chocolate chip. lush.


Going to make some dark choc and ginger cookies. Nickynoo, also can't have milk (lactose intolerant but can have Lactofree) and using Pure spread in the cookies. Even the smell of Red Bull makes me feel queasy esp. in the car.

not a biscuit...but had a lovely strawberry fondant fancy....delicious

Never actually had Red Bull, used to be ProPlus all the way! Not tempted to try now and hopefully no-one will make me. I don't think I've ever drunk a whole can of Coke before, and wouldn't have done this time if I hadn't had a registrar and a cardiographer taking it in turns to make sure I finished it all.

TJ, meant to say before thanks for the recipe! For the dark chocolate lovers among you I have an amazing cake recipe but haven't shared it as I wasn't sure if you'd be unable to tolerate the ingredients - it has dark choc and butter in it but do you have dairy-free substitutes? Sadly not suitable for anyone with an egg allergy, sorry!

Never actually had Red Bull, used to be ProPlus all the way! Not tempted to try now and hopefully no-one will make me. I don't think I've ever drunk a whole can of Coke before, and wouldn't have done this time if I hadn't had a registrar and a cardiographer taking it in turns to make sure I finished it all.

TJ, meant to say before thanks for the recipe! For the dark chocolate lovers among you I have an amazing cake recipe but haven't shared it as I wasn't sure if you'd be unable to tolerate the ingredients - it has dark choc and butter in it but do you have dairy-free substitutes? Sadly not suitable for anyone with an egg allergy, sorry!

mmmmmm cherry coke ;)

I love coke...have to limit myself to a can a month...would drink so much. Can't tolerate diet coke, pepsi, coke zero or any other light drinks but cke and cherry coke could be my drink of choice. I am having my first cup of coffee for 14 months this afternoon just to see how it makes me heart beat...my consultant thinks I may be able to tolerate a little cup of coffee every now and again,,,after all there is caffeine in coke and tea...so far so goo and it tastes yum yum yummy.

Daughters love cherry coke. Not for me, though.

Recently re-discovered custard creams and remembered why we stopped buying them. Too more-ish. Can go through a packet at one sitting.

custard creams are delicious....dangerous too lol...

I just made rocky road cookies to take to my mums later...good job they are going had to check one for quality control...they were good.

Mm rocky road. Do you use little marsh mallows or leave the big one's whole?

I like the majority of above but what about Jaffa cakes!!!!! Bourbons and Millie's white choc and raspberry cookies!!!!! We will all be very hungry people reaching for the biscuit tin after this post! Love it though as its made me giggle!!!! ?

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