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The Tenth Circle Of Comedy Hell

6 Replies

Al Qaeda have apparently been hiding bombs in tins of Alphabetti Spaghetti:

If they explode ,it could spell disaster !!!

I thank you.

6 Replies

That's bad, I will pm you with my joke, don't think I can get away with it publicly.

A man walks into his doctors and says ""Doctor,I cant say f,s or th,s""

his Dr replies : ""Well you cant say fairer than that !""

..........................................................................coat gathered.

that was bad......

think i may have the worst joke ever ...

I walked in to a garden centre and asked for something herby......

.......they gave me a voltswagon wit no driver.

I'll get my coat!

Two pieces of road are in a bar having a bevvy when a rather stern long piece of pavement walks in; both pieces of road drink up immediatly and say to the barman ""Watch out mate ,he,s a psychopath !!

Child,s parents : Listen Peter,its about time we told you :Santa Claus is a myth

""Dont be silly mummy and daddy, everyone knows hes a mythter

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