Don't know what to feel or think and ... - Asthma Community ...

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Don't know what to feel or think and feel so frustrated....

3 Replies

Hi all,

Haven't been on here for a while and this is gonna be a rant I'm afraid!

Max had his hosp appt 2 weeks ago and I've come out feeling worse than when went. The doctor was really flippant....asking me what I thought a wheeze sounded like and what Max sounded like...when I did it he said 'doesn't sound much like a wheeze to me'....charming.

He did a basiccheck of Max...less than what our own GP has done in he past, said his daughter had 'this' at his age and it was a right pain...nice.....and that he will grow out of it....keep him on he montelukast, try taking him off the brown inhaler...and that was it????

I really don't know why I didn't say anything at the time..I think I must have been in shock as I'm not usually backwards in coming forwards, but when I got home and thought about it, i started getting really angry. We have no follow up appt, not been tolda to go back tou our GP or anything.

I am really frustrated and angry....I really thought we were finally getting somewhere...clearly not.

To be honest, I feel like a bit of a fraud coming on here as Max is nowhere near as bad as some of the children on here.

I got a copy of the letter sent to the doc and it had completely different things in it as to what was discussed.

I just don't know where to go from here....Max is alot better now it has got warmer, and touch wood hasn't been sick 3 weeks now....but I just don't know what I'm supposed to do now?????

Sorry....rant over.

Thanks for listening....again!

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3 Replies
yaf_user681_15459 profile image

So sorry to hear about your app. These appointments become a focal point don't they, we look to them as giving us answers and help, then when they don't its like a kick to the ground. I really feel for you.

What did the letter to the gp say? Was it from the consultant outlining the app? Can you make an appointment with your gp and say what you've written here? Is your gp sympathetic and understanding? Can I ask why you have to reduce/eliminate the brown inhaler yet keep up with montelukast?

You sooo mustnt feel a fraud. This site is for everyone who is touched by Asthma in some way. Its devastating in so many ways and often leaves both sufferers and carers frustrated.

Sorry not much help, but hope you can get further help and support. You shouldn't have been left feeling like this, its not proper care.

Take care,

Emily. X

Hi Charlotte,

That sounds really frustrating, I'd be annoyed too. I don't have children but have had this situation for myself, including the 'why did I not say anything?' feeling. You wait for ages and expect them to come up with answers, then sometimes they don't seem to bother doing anything - doesn't seem to occur to them sometimes that if it were that simple the GP would probably have dealt with it, and that most people don't trek out to hospital as a fun day off. I once had a GP say 'well, what do you want me to do?' I don't know - I'm not a doctor, that's why I'm there, so the person in the room who is can use their knowledge and skills appropriately! (I do know that not all consultants/other medics are like this by any means, and many do an excellent job, but I have also met too many with no people skills at all, or who don't seem to put the effort in).

It sounds a bit dodgy to me that the contents of the letter don't reflect what was actually discussed/done at the appointment. Could you go back to the GP who referred Max and tell him/her what happened, say that the letter doesn't match up and you're not happy and don't know where to go next? S/he could at least give you some guidance, or perhaps tell you what to do re talking to the hospital if you feel the appt wasn't satisfactory.

Hope Max keeps on being well and you sort this - you have my sympathies!

Rant away Charlotte, that's what this is here for, and it doesn't matter how bad or good his asthma is, he has asthma which is scary for any Mum.

I am asthmatic and my son had it as a child, thankfully he grew out of it and it a very healthy young man. I hope all goes well for you xxx

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