peak flow meter????????????????? - Asthma Community ...

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peak flow meter?????????????????

3 Replies

h there i wonder if anyone can help me

my son who is nine was given an inhaler just over 1 month ago as he had been coughing continuously for 3 months with no relief from cough medicines. We visited the doctor again yesterday as his cough was becoming much worse and he was vomiting because of the strain.

My little boy has been given another inhaler with a mask and also a peak flow meter. I have been told to check 3 times per day and record the highest reading. As the doctor dopesnt know if asthma is the cause we are to take readings for one week and then visit again.

I wonder if anyone can tell me roughly what the readings should be. My little boy is registering 140 as an average. I washed the mouthpiece and checked myself and I am registering roughly 350.

Does anyone have any ideas on what a child with asthma would normally read and also a child without.


wendi reid

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3 Replies

Hi there we do peak flow readings all the time in my house. 1 astmatic mum and 2 asthmatic kids.

There is a chart with peak flow 'norms' respective of their height. My son is 144cm tall and his recommended peak flow is 245. when he is really well he can actually blow 310, this is not that often but he is very proud of it. On average he manages 190 - 220, when he is not great he drops to 150 and when he is really struggling he manages around 60 - 70. The thing with Asthma is generally it's variability and response to bronchodilator drug (Blue pump). Is he managing the same reading at different times of the day and does it get any higher after taking his pump? This is the type of thing the doctor will be looking for.

hope this helps a little


As has already been said, everyone is different. I don't know about 'normal' and can only say for myself, a 32yr old male. My 'normal', well best is around the 540 mark, should be atleast 600 - 700 for a 'healthy' male. I do measure mine every morning and night.

My worst has been 250 which for my own personal circumstances is alarm bell ringing time. I also struggle immencely at 250 as well. In general terms, once you have established your best, alarm bell should ring if you cannot manage more than 75% of your best. ie, mine at 540 (best) if less than 405 then it's worry time.

BUT, everyone is different and until your child is fully diagnosed, you cannot be sure where you are.

hi hopefully this link will stay put. evry one has there own average peak flow but if you follow this link you may get a rough idea of the 'norm' but please remember some people can do better than average and opthers can't but that is their norm without it being asthma.

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