What exercises are you supposed to do before a total knee replacement please not hear anything yet
Exercises: What exercises are you supposed... - Arthritis Action
Maybe have a look at this from versusarthritis-
Plus this for general info - posted on another forum but you can read it no issue -
DorsetLady's link should help but your GP should be able to print you some off from the computer or make an enquiry at the orthopeadic department you attended. There are lots of advice on the internet too but don't overdo it or you will make things worse, everyone is different and the reason you need the operation., that is why it should be the person treating you who says what exercises are best for your knee.
I had a booklet from our local hospital when I was put on list for total knee replacement. You could ask if they have anything similar or ask physio therapy if they have any leaflets. They are basically strengthening exercises nothing to vigorous. Or your g.p. Should be able to print off something for you.
I'm sure if you Google it you'll find exercises recommended by a Health Trust or hospital which you can download. I did that for exercises after an abdominal op.
I worked as a ward sister for many years in elective orthopaedics. The main aim of exercises is to strengthen the quadriceps and hamstring muscles. So generally if you google straight leg raises, and sitting on the bed or floor with legs extended and pushing your knee cap down into the bed using your muscles. I’d also recommend making sure you have some gel packs that you can freeze to use after surgery, or even just using for 10 mins after doing exercises to reduce any potential swelling. Those who haven’t strengthened their muscles prior to surgery, suffer more afterwards. It is generally much more painful than hip replacements, so the stronger the muscle at the starting point the better. You should also be invited for an education day, where you meet the therapist ls and nurses, and they explain everything in detail, as well as tell you what aids you need to purchase prior to surgery.