Like to interact with Ostio sufferers as to their symptoms help ect... but also suffer with fibro & costacondritis x
ostio : Like to interact with Ostio... - Arthritis Action
Hi Hidden , thanks for reaching out and looking for help to reduce your osteoarthritis symptoms and speak to others living with the condition.
Our website contains lots of useful resources to help manage your condition. This includes some easy exercises which are shown to reduce inflammation and pain, as well as food advice and pain management techniques which may be helpful.
We'll also be holding a number of online group talks for people in different locations across the country. These are a great opportunity to speak with like-minded people during the lockdown and share advice, tips and techniques. Local resources available are also discussed. Check our Events page to see what is coming up in May - please note we're always updating this page with more events if there isn't a Virtual Group near you in the near future.
Let us know how you get on!
Mine first started in my hand and feet in 2013. It is painful, but not it's all down my spine as well as my knees and other part of me as well. I've had mornings and days that I can barely move. It's a struggle once it spreads throughout the body. Mine is in several of my joints now . I find it hard to get trough a work day some days do to either the pain in my feet, hands or spine or what ever else is hurting that particular day.
Hi thanku for yur reply... yes my ostio is gradually worsening over time... I suffered with rheumatism in my knees & wrists wen I was young... I broke both wrists wen age 11.. so they say that where it stem from.. hav suffered pain since early 20's wich I believe now to be both ostio & fibro...
Hav ostio in all joints one way or another plus muscle & skin sensitivity with fibro... I under physio with top neck & bottom bac... wich I thinking is ostio.. but with the virus I cant do much about at moment... it's no fun is it... do you find alot of people dont understand ?
just this year pain has started in the cervical part of my spine. But I have it all down my spine now plus other parts of me as well. It's in my right hip as well. Talk about pain when it acts up there . OMG
I know what you mean... there no getting away from the pain is there!
have you been diagnosed with ostio in your spine? where is the pain & what it like... sorry but just wanna know if I same x