Good morning everyone, hope all is well. Does anyone else suffer from joint and muscle pain? I hurt so much!
Joint & Muscle ache!: Good morning everyone... - Arthritis Action
Joint & Muscle ache!
Hi Angelina, i too suffer with pain all over. I have osteoarthritis effecting pretty much all my joints. I was suffering terrible head and shoulder pain a few weeks ago. My GP thought it was Polymyalgia rheumatica and put me on a 2 week course of steroids. The pain was much better but not 100% gone. So she said to stop taking them. I now how all the pain back again. However spoke to my GP again and she now says the pain is due to my osteoarthritis!! I'm so confused with it all. Seeing my rheumatologist in a few weeks . So I guess wait and see what she says
Hi Debbie: I am having the same issue. I started with the pain in December 2017. It came on suddenly in my neck and shoulders an then my legs. I had days where I was bedridden. My doctor would not put me on prednisone because he didn't want me on that "wheel". Also, the blood work did not indicate PMR (Polymyalga Rheumatica). So no he is going with a diagnosis of Ostioarthritis. I am on Celebrex. It is not making a huge difference. I do have some days where the pain is 3 on 10. Yesterday though it was back to 6 on 10. I really have no idea what is going on. You are lucky you have the referral to a rheumatologist. I do not. My doctor is totally convinced of the Ostio diagnosis. But if this doesn't improve soon I will go back and push for the referral. Keep me posted.
Hi Virginia, sorry to hear you've been in so much pain. It's soul destroying. Since I came off the steroids, the pain in my shoulders, head and particularly my temples. I saw my rheumatologist this morning and she thinks I have Giant Cell Arteritis . She actually runs that particular clinic. I'm back on steroids now. I have to take them for 4 weeks and then she wants to see me again. Hope you feel better soon.
Yes, I have pain in my thigh muscles and my shoulders knees and hands, it's vary wearing as I work, never had this pain until about four months ago. I use voltorol cream, but it really dosent do anything.
I started with thigh pain at the front about 10 days ago. thought it was muscle pain it started with pain in my back at the very bottom to the left then down to front of thigh to knee. it's quite painful as I suffer from arthritis I assumed it was that then started to worry if it's cancer metastase as I had breast cancer 7 years ago I'm thinking of going to the doctors next week (to be honest I've no faith whatsoever in him) and try to sort myself out
Morning Angelina
I’m 54 and had to medically retire due to chronic conditions such as Spondylitis and spondylosis, the physical pain is excruciating not to mention the tiredness! Even medication doesn’t cut it! X
Hi KazzyD63 I have just been forced to retire due to Osteoarthritis (motorbike accident when I was 17) and osteoporosis which has caused my depression and anxiety which I have had for years but under control, to flare up big time. I was wondering how you coped with it. I didn't want to retire but I worked in a special needs school and loved my job, but they felt that they couldn't keep me safe with the children I worked with even with all the risk assessments they had put in place. My husband has been great, doing jobs unfortunately the wrong ones eg the ones that I can do but then leaves me to do jobs that I find really difficult and makes me feel guilty for retiring as he keeps saying that he would like to retire as he has type 1 diabetes and he has just started to have osteoarthritis in his knees. I broke my pelvis and spine in March but because I am on fentanyl patches I thought that I had sciatica until I had a x ray 5 weeks later. This meant that for a while I was unable to leave the house and this then turned into argrophobia and now I only leave the house for medical appointments, hate anything new, groups of people. I was able to travel 150 miles to my mom's house and then go to the NEC for an art and craft exhibition, but I can't go to the local art group in the village. I am currently having counselling with Mind which is helping. Sorry for the long reply but any help or advice would be much appreciated
Yes it's nightmare but I can't take nothing as liver but yes mine is getting worste