These past few weeks have been very painful. From my shoulders to my hips, knees ankles and feet , they've all ached non stop. Today it's my hip again. I'm finding if I move more the more I just plain hurt from my shoulders down. We've had snow sleet and rain come through the last few weeks that has made it more difficult for me. Around home I've been using crutches to get around better to get the weight off my hips some as well as,that one ankle and foot that's been bothering me and still is. I've been told thst I really need t look into a wheelchair for myself but I really don't want to be confine to a wheelchair as,of yet. I guess I could look into getting one for usage on my worst days because I know my oa will only get worse than better. Where I've been feeling it the most tho is in my hips knees and feet these past for week, so this tells me that they're getting to be the worst right now from what I'm seeing and feeling. I still can't believe that my oa has gotten this bad in the last year since 2013 when it started in my hands before I was feeling it in my feet in 2014. I don't wanna know how I'll be by next winter. I only know it'll be worse than it was this winter. I now have 2 knots on my rights side. One is below NY big toe on my right foot and the other is on that ankle joint as well. They both hurt right now do to my movement when I walk. Do what's next?
A rough past few weeks for me.: These past... - Arthritis Action
A rough past few weeks for me.
Hi Jason, Sorry to hear that you are in such a bad way. I can sympathise with you, as the bad weather here is treating me much the same. I haven't been intouch lately as I seem to have been highly occupied with visits to the clinic, the doctors and exercise classes to try to ease my hips. Here's hoping the spring will soon be here followed by some warm weather. We must keep on looking for the light at the end of the (winter) tunnel or we'd never get through.My cheerful news is that it was my 70th birthday today and I had a lovely day with the kids and grandchildren and the sun did come out briefly so I can't complain. Hope you will soon be feeling a bit better. Chat soon. Joyce x
Well happy 70th birthday Joyce. Hope you have had a good one. I've had to use crutches for awhile do to the knot that's appeared on my ankle joint. That lasted for over a month. I've had nights waking up do to sharps pains occurring during the night. You're not alone with hope pain I've been having that as,well. Not as sharp as its been in my ankle but still. I go back to my GP next month for my yearly physical so I'll see what he'll be able to give me so I won't have to make a trip to my rheumatologist. I had someone else one health unlock that it's probably time for me to look into getting a wheelchair do to my symptoms. I found some forearm crutches to use for when my hips get bad off on me. I'll use those to get some of the weight off my hips when I need to. Happy birthday to you again and try to stay pain free. Jason