Hi everyone, I just woke up this morning after experiencing disturbing dreams about psychosis. Has anyone experienced strange dreams about their experience? I’m sure it’s common but wanted to know other people’s experiences.
I only experienced PPP last August, so fully expect these dreams won’t go away yet. I’ve had a few since and they are always dreams within dreams, like feeling trapped and around people that I can’t trust. Then suddenly realising within the dream I’m experience PPP, and trying to wake up out of it. That is how I felt at the time when I was in the acute ward, trapped and paranoid, so I guess dreams are replicating this feeling.
I can finally wake from the dream within the dream, but it’s a bit of a panic, like trying to wake my husband up, then realising I’m still trapped in the dream! Only to finally wake up for real. It’s not affecting my sleep too much, just not nice when these dreams hit. On one occasion, it felt like something hit my body, I woke up for real, then proceeded to have dreams about PPP. Another time, I woke in bed but was still dreaming, panicking to wake up and my body was trembling in the dream! Then I woke up properly. The dreams feel very scary and real, but I think it’s just the way I’m processing it.
Thank for any replies and sharing any experiences, or advice to get over these 😊