MESSAGE FROM APP ADMINS: This post contains distressing information. If you are feeling vulnerable, do take care if reading this post.
My son was born in December 2019 and was very sick at birth. The condition he had (Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia or NAIT) would affect 100% of my children; however he was misdiagnosed, so when I became pregnant with my daughter, I did not receive the necessary medical treatment. As a result, my daughter was born with catastrophically low blood platelets and was bleeding throughout her brain. Like her brother, she was taken from me at birth, transferred out of town and spent weeks in the NICU. We relocated and weren’t sure she would make it.
When she was discharged, we went to doctors appointments three times a week, and my days were spent applying intensive PT and OT exercises, administering medication and trying to care for my son (who is only 14 months older). All this was happening during COVID. We discovered that my daughter also had multiple food allergies, and as she was exclusively breastfed and my breasts weren’t responding to the pump, I cut eggs, soy and dairy from my diet and desperately breastfed her every 2-3 hours for about 8 months.
Then we took a fateful trip to Iowa for a family wedding. The first night we were there, my daughter woke up crying, and I went into a two hour full blown psychotic episode—back arched, muscles flexed, distrustful of my husband and paranoid that we would never be able to leave. The next night, I woke up to my daughter crying, and this time, I picked her up and tried to throw her on the floor. Luckily, my husband woke up and tackled me before I could hurt her.
When we got home, the psychosis got worse. I began hallucinating that there was blood on my son. I had olfactory hallucinations that made all food smell rotten and lost 15 pounds in 3 weeks. I ruminated on a narrative that my daughter was inherently bad and meant to die, and in saving her, we had done something unnatural and I was being punished because of it. I convinced myself that if I could lose enough weight, I could walk off into the woods and disappear like how a trunk of tree disappears at a distance.
Fortunately, my husband and friends recognized that I was very unwell. It took a few days, but finally we found a provider who recognized my condition as postpartum psychosis (and not bipolar or schizophrenia). I was put on varying antipsychotics and stayed on those for eight months. It was recommended that I stay at an inpatient psychiatric facility, but I needed to breastfeed our daughter, and mother and baby units just aren’t really a thing in the US. We made a safety plan, my husband took time off work, and we eventually weened my daughter to allow me to get some sleep.
The medications worked quickly, and the hallucinations stopped almost immediately. I’m no longer on antipsychotics but do take a daily SSRI. Besides gaining 50 lbs while on the antipsychotics, I feel well and like myself; however, I haven’t met anyone in person who has had PP and would love to connect with a community that is familiar with this condition. It’s good to feel like I’m well enough to be honest and even give back.