Hello ladies! I hope everyone has either had lovely Christmasses or just feeling relieved it’s over or a bit of both…
I am currently 39+4 weeks pregnant and awaiting arrival of baby no. 2. Together with my partner, various health professionals and other (peer) support I have a super sound mental healthcare plan in place, consisting of both a preventative plan and also a care plan should I become unwell again like I did in 2021 after my firstborn. I am feeling fine physically and generally also feeling fine mentally plus I still sleep and nap quite all right for this stage of pregnancy. So there is lots of faih, trust and good hope but yeah of course the risk remains and sometime I think about the scenario of another psychosis….
I find the waiting game for this baby much more challenging though. Whereas last time I quite easily went 1 week overdue. I guess this is because of a mixture of things. Firstly cause looking after a toddler (over the December holidays) while pregnant is a bit different than binge watching Netflix 3 years ago (oh gosh first time mom is so much easier in that regard hahah), because I feel ready and prepared and perhaps also cause it gives opportunity for doubt and a bit of anxiety to kick in. I am generally not super patient either…
Anyway, I spoke to my psychologist a few days ago and my analogy for my feeling was a sport analogy… it feels like I have trained for and am fit and ready to run a mountain marathon, I have a game plan, I have my supporters, the right shoes…. it’s all there. But no one told me when the start shot is going to be fired so I am just waiting and the start line. Not sure whether this makes sense, perhaps people who have run races can relate.
So I guess this is not really a post with a question in mind, I suppose I am just looking for some kind and reassuring messages from this lovely group while I wait for natural labour to come around (as I prefer that).
Lots of love,