Did anyone take quetiapine? If so how much, did you wean? What was the outcome for the baby?
Quetiapine: Did anyone take quetiapine... - Action on Postpar...

Hi Pumpkins, I took 600mg XR which was the dose that got me well. I have weaned down to 300 now. My baby was fully breastfed to 6 months when we started solids, still breastfeeding lots. Positive outcome for baby. So far she is meeting all her milestones, and is a settled, happy baby. weaning hasn't been fun for me, getting a lot of brain fog and drowsiness from withdrawal, but seems to not affect baby. Hope you are doing well.
That's a great story.....thanks this alone makes me feel very good
I was on 150mg whilst pregnant, among others, baby was born healthier than healthy. On 200mg,among other things, no obvious effect on bubs, she's fully breastfed.
I have been taking this med for now 3 years following the birth of my first child when i experienced PP.
I fell pregnant with my second baby whilst taking quietipin. I continued the meds througout pregnancy at a lowered dose and then increased after baby was born. She is now 10 months old very happy and healthy. I still get drosey and find it increases my appietite. Im on 400mg.
Apart from that have remained well
Take care x