Has anyone else suffered from severe memory and confusion with psychosis I had a baby 3 weeks ago and not feeling good I have psychosis I keep thinking something major wrong with me physically I'm completely confused mentally can't remember anything or anyone and feel like I'm dying someone please help me
Hi : Has anyone else suffered from... - Action on Postpar...

Are you currently getting psychiatric help?
I hope you feel better. It does take time and the drug(s) do help.
Much love and one day at a time
Hi I'm so sad to read that you are ill just now. I remember what it felt like and it is such an anxious time but it DOES get better, and then even better and then even better than that. It takes time, sleep, usually a short while for the meds to kick in and a short while before you reach the correct dose then things start making sense and confusion starts to clear up. And it keeps getting better and better from then on in. Although we have all been through it, each one of us has had a unique journey with all sorts of high and low points but know that you are NOT alone. We are all here for you. You can share your struggles and successes here and read inspirational stories of some peoples recovery. Know that there is recovery for each one of us. Thinking of you lots and sending you lots of love.

Hi Rhogg321,
Like the others say, it's an incredibly confusing & anxious time but everything really will be OK. We've been there & know how scary it is but with the right treatment you'll get through it. As time goes on & as you get better you'll be able to remember things just like you did before.
How are you feeling now, are you managing to get some sleep? Have you seen a GP/Psychiatrist or anyone & are you taking medication? Sorry for all the questions, I'm just want to understand your situation better, just answer what you can.
I hope you've got all the support you need & help with baby-care today so you can get plenty of rest - are you at home & is there anyone with you who can help with that?
You've done really well finding us & we're here for you. Let us know how you're feeling & if you're getting the help you need as soon as you feel able to. Hang in there, everything will be OK.

I'm so sorry you're struggling this way. As others say you will get better. It's important that you get support. Tell your family and friends how you feel. Go to your health visitor or midwife or doctor. Be very honest and tell them everything. They will help you.
We are here for you. You are not alone and you will get better.
Thank u did u have mental confusion with yours?
Hi Rhogg321
It's good to hear from you. Yes I was completely mentally confused and I was having delusions, and thinking all kinds of things, not knowing who I was or remembering things. This is really normal for postnatal psychosis. But they will go and you will get better.
Do you have support? Do people know how you are feeling? The confusion and psychosis will get better on the medication. Do you have people who are looking after you and helping you with the baby too? I hope you have the support you need?
Keep writing whenever you need to. I am thinking of you

Hello Rhogg321
We are all here to help so please be reassured that we will support you through this difficult time. PP is a very frightening, traumatic experience but with good medical care and family support you will be well again.
I didn't communicate with anyone for a while after PP struck so you are doing well to realise you're not well. I think confusion is all part of wondering what has happened as try as we might, we can't seem to function. So try not to worry, we all really do know how you feel.
Are you in the UK? How are you coping at home with everything ..... do you have family to help and a CPN visiting? Hopefully you have a care team and care plan. If you're taking medication perhaps this is having an affect on your memory? You could always ask your G.P about this or your Psychiatrist although PP is such a force that it does take time to come to terms with.
It's very early days and I'm sorry you are struggling at the moment. I don't know whether you have seen the APP Insider Guides, i.e. "Recovery after Postpartum Psychosis" and there is also a guide for partners? You might find some helpful information there. Perhaps if you're not well enough to read the guides, a family member might be able to read a few lines to you?
Congratulations on the birth of your baby. It's not easy for you right now but in time you will eventually recover. In the meantime we are all here to lean on .......

Hello Rhogg321,
Thanks for coming to the forum and I'm sorry that things are awful and scary for you. I had an episode of PP back in 2009 after the birth of my eldest child and it was a horrid, cruel illness which completely detached me from all reality. I also had delusions, heard voices, saw things which weren't there and was really, really ill with it. I was lucky that I got the right help and after time in hospital, with the right treatment, including anti-psychotic medication, things did get better and I came out the other side.
I would really encourage you to tell someone how you are feeling, perhaps you have a supportive Health Visitor or could make a GP appointment? Do you have someone else at home or nearby to help you look after your baby? The good news is that PP is a really treatable illness and women can get better and enjoy being a Mum and everything that comes with family life.
I know I really struggled to function at all when ill, and was certainly completely confused at times. Please keep talking to us and asking for professional help, we are thinking of you lots, take care, xx

Hello Rhogg321
Just wondering how you are after your post? I hope you found the replies here helpful and supportive. Have you managed to contact your GP for help? It's such a worrying, confusing time for you at the moment but with good medical care you will feel much better. Do you have a family member who can help you find the right support where you live? In time your fears will fade with the right medication and treatment.
Take very good care of yourself ...... it's very early days since the birth of your baby, so try to rest as much as you can.