Legal Help: Hi all, just wondered if... - Action on Postpar...

Action on Postpartum Psychosis

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Legal Help

Boo86 profile image
6 Replies

Hi all, just wondered if anyone has been successful at getting off their medication without social services threatening to take their children away. Has anyone had good legal help and if so where from? (I'm in UK). Im on medication and am very keen to get off it due to the terrible side effects. Please help.

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Boo86 profile image
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6 Replies
Ellie_at_APP profile image

Hi Boo86

Welcome to the forum. I am sorry to hear that you are struggling a lot with bad side effects from the medication you are on. I am sure you will get some good replies on here. What meds are you on?

I was on an anti psychotic (olanzapine) and an anti depressant (escitilipram). With the Olanzapine I did have some side effects too (very tired, emotions felt completely dulled) but I have to say though as well that it saved me - it stopped the psychosis, and reassured me that I wouldn't be sick again, and when it felt right (over a year after the start of PP), and when my psychiatrist also felt it was right, I slowly reduced them (guided by my psychiatrist) so that it was a careful reduction to ensure I stayed well.

Which professionals are you seeing in regards to your medication? it is really important that you discuss any change of meds, or coming off meds, with your professionals - particularly of course your psychiatrist, if you are seeing one? I would really encourage you to request a review of meds, and explain the bad side effects you are feeling, they should listen to you and they may be able to change the meds for you, or reduce them, if they feel you are well enough. I would really say though that it is really important to follow their advice though - I know that there is a risk of relapse if you come off meds too quickly, or by yourself without the professional advice.

I also wanted to let you know about this website

which gives excellent advice about different mental health meds, and their side effects. This may be helpful?

Concerning social services, I am sorry that this sounds difficult for you. In my case social services weren't involved so I don't have personal experience of this, but I am sure there are many women on here who can give you advice about this. I do think though that it is good to work with all the professionals involved in your support, as much as you can. They will all want you to be well, to get better, to be safe, and your child/ren to be safe. Do you have good friends/family who can advocate for you as well (for example in a meeting with the psychiatrist, or with social services) if you don't feel able to speak strongly for yourself?

Do you have people who are part of your care team (mental health worker? health visitor) who you have a relationship with and who you trust who you can talk to? I got a lot of support from my mental health worker that really got me through some good times.

I hope some of this is helpful and I really hope that your situation will improve soon.

Hannah_at_APP profile image

Hello Boo86,

Thanks for coming to the forum and posting. Medication can be such a tricky issue and there are no two times which are the same, so we can only share our experiences and hope that this helps you a little. I too struggled with side effects and was so desperate to finish meds. I took them for 3 years all in all, after 3 months in hospital and it was a gradual thing with lots of input from the MH team. At the time it felt like it was taking forever but in hindsight it was good to go slow and steady and I hope you are getting good support from others.

I'm afraid I don't have the Social Services bit of experience either and can only imagine how awful and scary and frightening and stressful and everything thing else this must be for you. I do know that although it might not feel like it, they want families to stay together though, so try and think of that. You might also feel it beneficial to have a CPN or other trusted person who is helping you with your recovery from PP attend the meetings and advocate for you if you are finding it hard. I think most places should have an advocacy service you could perhaps access or through Citizens Advice maybe.

I hope things get easier for you soon, it is a cliche I know, but it gets easier with time. Take care, xx

Boo86 profile image


newdawnrose profile image

After my 2nd child was born I was diagnosed with PP. Within 2 months of my diagnosis and hospitalization and release, I dealt with CPS and separation from my abusive ex husband. CPS noticed that when I was by myself I was a good parent, but around my spouse I was not protective and the children were in danger. CPS were very understandable with my PP, they let my parents take temporary custody of the children and let me live with my parents as well. It only took a few weeks for my parents and I to become co parents to my children. After a year of CPS court battles, CPS let go of the suit because my ex had filed divorce and so long as I remained primary custodial parent CPS was confident in the childrens safety. I had a support system, I was stable, I kept up with MH appointments. One year PP I started with my MH adviser to get off my meds. It took a year to get off. I have been off prescribed meds for 4 years now and have conceived and born another child successfully with out falling back into PP.

ChristinaO777 profile image

I am so sorry. I can not relate to the CPS situation but I can relate to horrible side affects. I will be praying for God to take those side affects away in Jesus name.

God bless you and your family

Firebirdblogger profile image

Hi there. I weaned off medication once I started to feel well again (about 6 months if I remember rightly). I went very very slowly with the help of a doctor and lots of social support. I never had social services involved to so can't really comment on that side of things. Good luck with it all x

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