My daughter had pre eclampsia and has had a casarian but her blood pressure is still really high, just wanted to know about Postpartum Preeclampsia if anybody can help me with this please x
Pre eclampsia : My daughter had pre... - Action on Pre-ecl...
Pre eclampsia

I had preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome with an emergency c-section at 31 weeks with my son. It took about two weeks postpartum with blood pressure medication for my blood pressure to return to normal. Make sure your daughters doctors are monitoring her and when she is release from the hospital buy a blood pressure cuff. 2 years postpartum I still check my blood pressure at least once a week.
I continued to take medication (Labetalol and Nifedipine) after birth for about 5 months to control my blood pressure. I was re-admitted for monitoring of my blood pressure, 5 days after birth . My consultant told me that ten days post birth is the period where you’re more likely to get post-natal preeclampsia. Although it can happen up to six weeks after birth, yet this is rare.