It all started with gestational diabetes, high blood pressure and I was on labetalol then preeclampsia. I was sent to the hospital many times yet discharged as nurses thought I was ok. Severe headache, short breathing, small tummy, abdominal pain and a nurse laughing saying that my blood pressure reading at home was wrong. All this did not convince them that a Csection should be done asap. Induced twice without responding open 2cm only after 20 hours. I was bearly 37 weeks. Started to bleed. Started to shake especially around the mouth and doctors rushed into the labour room as the baby heart beats dipped for 60hb and the umbilical cord was surrounding Lara's head. Finally a CSection was done but baby Lara didn't cry. They said she was fine & took her to the NICU because of her blood sugar for two days. A nurse mentioned a lack of sodium but we were discharged few days later. Baby 2.150 KG, always asleep, never cried loudly, kind of floppy, strange skin colour very red or bluish with a pattern plus loud breathing professionals said Normal!!
Except that she slept forever!!