VSED: Anyone considered this as a means... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Anyone considered this as a means to the end?

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Pugglesworth profile image

Hi Hambo.

Reading over your past posts you need serious help now. You may feel isolated, but you are not. You may feel alone, but you are not. You may feel like you can't go on, but you can and you will. Your pain will not last forever. All things arise and pass away. All things change. You are not your thoughts. You are stuck in a loop of negative self talk and I have been there also. Many times. Many of us have. And some will be there again. But knowing what is actually occurring is the beginning of the end of the loop. It's the beginning of stepping out of your thoughts and observing them. The physical pain is simply a result of the thoughts. Turns out our body doesn't care too much for negative self talk. Why do we do it? We don't: our mind does. And it's simply churning out the garbage it's been exposed to. And the mind can be trained. With time and effort the garbage can be 'taken out' and the house 'cleaned up'. Almost like new.

Please get yourself to the ER ASAP. I did when I was where you are and they gave me the help I needed to be able to write this to you today.