Has anyone transferred from Warfarin to Edoxanban, without getting new blood clots. I want to change but my INR clinic always scare me by saying we're had people come back with blood clots
Warfarin to Edoxaban. : Has anyone... - Anticoagulation S...
Warfarin to Edoxaban.
I am not sure about the latest research. Back in 2016 I chose not to switch as I was concerned about the newer drugs and the risks of needing an antidote.
Apologies for not addressing your clot concerns with any personal experience, but I wanted you to see some research on Edoxaban, hoping you find it reassuring.
I'm copy&pasting a reply I gave a few days ago on the AF Forum ...
"During all the fuss about the recent and ongoing switching to Edoxaban as a first choice anticoagulant by Health Commissioning Groups in many areas of UK, accompanied by the easy suggestion by some that AF patients were consequently being prescribed a cheaper and inferior anticoagulant, I was reassured to read this research from Germany published in 2022 ...
You will see Edoxaban reports lower risks of strokes (from clots) than all other DOACs and Warfarin, and equal low risks of brain bleeds (along with Apixaban).
These results seem to me "good news" re Edoxaban, although I have been warned by a.n.other that the big Pharma affiliations of the authors of such research do need to be examined more closely to assess any conflicts of interest."
Hope it helps.
I’ve been told I’ll probably have to take warfarin long term but first I’ll have to get tests. I’d like to hear how you found this experience.
Thanks in advance for any advice.
I have switched over (about 3 years ago) from warfarin to Edoxaban (30mg) and have not noticed any effects at all. Bear in mind the INR clinic will likely be getting paid £50 every time they test you, so may not want to reduce their revenue stream. Early concerns about lack of antidotes for new anti-coagulants I think have been largely dispelled.